Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Amanda M...Day 125

Sleep: Bed at 10 up at 630. Was supposed to get up and run but I just haven't gotten into the groove yet :-(

Food: Bad...well not cheating bad, just 'lacking' bad. I didnt have a chance to grocery shop this weekend so yesterday I lived off of carrots, protein shakes and an apple with almond butter lol definitely affected my workout

WOD: Rowing, snatches, burpees...alot harder than I thought. I should have consumed more food and water because MAN was it hot in that gym last night. I did 55# for the snatches which was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Not being able to touch the plates to the ground really sucked haha maybe next time I'll use a 33lb bar instead of a 45lb

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