Saturday, February 18, 2012

Maria Week 4 Day 6

Went to bed around 10:30pm, insomnia again last night.  Got out of bed around 7:30am

8:15am: 3 oz wild caught salmon, 2 C raw broccoli

taught step clss at 8:45, was on my way to the 10:30am WOD when I got a phone call that my 4yo son was puking and crying for Mommy.  So I missed the WOD AGAIN.  That means I only went 3 days last week- NOT GOOD.  My little boy has to come before a workout.

11:05am: 3 oz flounder, cooked cabbage, onions, brussels sprouts
3:10pm: a bunch of leftover protein unmeasured: a little flank steak, pork chop, and chicken breast, cooked mix of asparagus, yellow squash, broccoli, peppers, and onion, omega blend oil
4:00pm: paleo chocolate cake in a mug- I changed the recipe a little: 1 1/2 TBSP coconut flour, 1 1/2C almond flour 1 egg, 1 TBSP olive oil, 1 TBSP 100% cocoa powder, almond butter, water
6:00pm: chicken breast, spaghetti squash, raw mixed nuts
8:00pm: grapes

Definitely ate more than usual today, I was stuffed by the end of the day.  I have to remember that sometimes life throws a wrench in your plans.  Next week I am shooting for 5 days in the gym!

Hope to get some sleep tonight...

1 comment:

  1. its that little thing called life that gets in the way of our best intentions sometimes!!! hope he feels better soon and you get some sleep!!!good job mama!!
