Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Maria Week 6 Day 3

Sorry I have not blogged in a couple of days!  I have had a wicked migraine and went to bed ASAP after the kids were in bed.  SO I skipped the blogging.  I had a cheat last night (who cheats on a Tues night????) it was not planned and my stomach was a MESS this morning.  Other than that, food has been right on, and I am feeling great in the gym!  I am meeting with Dr. Jaime this w/e.  Will write more later!

So the past couple of days I have been way off track.  I know a lot of it has to do with lack of sleep, and not feeling well so I did not cook my food, I was not prepared, etc, etc.  Bottom line- lack of sleep stops me from doing my best! 

The other thing is that I find that once people start complimenting me I sabotage myself and screw things up.  That is why I am SOOOO glad that I am in this for the entire year, it forces me to keep going forward despite setbacks.

So I am committing to you that on Thursday I am back to my measured meals, no extra picking and no non paleo food!



  1. Omg Maria, I JUST wrote a blog about the exact same thing...being complimented and self sabotaging because of it. I didn't think anyone else did the same thing!

    We're all here to help pull you through this rough patch! This blogging thing helps way more than I thought it would. You're going to continue to do great!

  2. its like we are afraid to succeed! but we deserve to!! we will get to that mindset soon!!! keep up the great work! one day at a time!

  3. I'm here for you Mari. So sorry you had migraines. That on top sleep and worrying about your son. You know, you can't beat yourself up, you had a lot thrown at you and you probably didn't slip as much as you think. Now you're back on track and will make even more progress! You're doing so great!
