Monday, February 27, 2012

Amanda M...Day 36

Sleep: Went to bed at 11, should have gone to bed earlier but I got sidetracked by youtube. Damn internet!

Food: Was a busy ass day at work so I didnt get my normal snacks in
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with broccoli, ham and turkey
Lunch: Spinach salad, tuna, salsa, balsamic vin
Snack: red peppers
Dinner: Chili with a chocolate cake in a cup

Power cleans 4x10: 95#
Bench press 4xamrap: 95# 8/8/8/10...felt strong, bench press is usually my toughest lift
KB swings 4x20:, those were tough. My forearms felt like they were going to explode
FLR 4x60 sec
Ran a 800m afterwards just for the hell of it

Overall, good workout and great effort.

New post on my blog about telling everything that's been holding me back to kiss my ass.


  1. A-Bomb (That's my new nickname for you, unless you don't like it?) I just read your blog and I am SOOOOO proud of you! We're only 1 month into this assessment...imagine how you're going to fell at the end of this journey! Keep killing it kid!!!

    1. Haha, A-Bomb...I like it! Thanks Nitro! :-) Very excited for the coming months
