Friday, February 17, 2012

Amanda M...Day 26

Stayed up til 11 and woke up at 630. I was exhausted, definitely needed to go to bed earlier.

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with broccoli and side of bacon
Lunch: Boiled chicken breast with red peppers
Snack: Baby carrots, plantain chips with guac
Dinner: Didn't eat til 830, yikes! I was so hungry that I snacked on a handful of tortilla chips while my turkey burger was cooking :-(
Dessert: Tried out a paleo chocolate cake in a mug...definitely hit my chocolate cravings

WOD: Kept it light on the front squats...always get pretty worn out by Friday. Wall balls are the death of me, but I got it done. BTW coaches...25 ring rows instead of 12 pull ups is just cruel!

Went to target tonight and Easter candy is absolute favorite holiday for candy. Reese's eggs and Cadburry chocolate mini eggs were calling to me but I didn't hard as that was. I'll try to hold out for a little longer haha

Its 10 on a Saturday and I'm going to bed. What an exciting life I have! Here's to hoping I make it to the 7am class....although 100m burpee broad jumps isn't very enticing

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree about the pull-ups / ring rows equivalency... Not cool. I started on the blue band and barely got 15 in, switched to 25 ring rows & that felt worse!
