Sunday, February 12, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up

Fantastic weekend!  All the hard work, sweat and practice really paid off for me.  Looking back I wish I would've practiced bench a little more...but all in all I'm happy how I performed and where I finished.  Great environment to also get acquainted messing around in competition.  It's ALL or nothing.  I pulled out big PRs this weekend and it wasn't just the strength training that got me there.  My head was in the right place at the right time!  I remember when I woke up the first thing that I said was "any given day".  I said it all morning, all the way to the comp, during warm-ups and all during the entire comp.  Just kept saying it to myself over and over and over again.  You can actually hear me saying it just before one of my squat attempts in the videos.  I had mentally convinced myself that I had already done the lift before I ever touched the bar.  Strong mind...strong must believe it.

I was really impressed how great Yadi Ortiz performed and handled herself in a as a cucumber girl.  So proud of her...she killed it and set some awesome PRs.  Also was lucky enough to have Dave Duprey by my side all day.  We gamed planned awesome throughout the whole day on every movement for every attempt.  It was great to see Dave take first place in his class, he worked hard and he deserved it.  Pound for pound Dave is one of the strongest people I've ever meet.  And I've meet ALOT of strong people in my life.

Obviously today is a rest day.  My lower back is pretty tight.  I'll be sore for a day or two but again nothing out of the ordinary.  First round of goals for 2012 have been achieved.  Now my focus and only goal is to get in 2 good weeks of prep before the 1st WOD of the CrossFit Games Open.  Any given day!

I really didn't eat too terrible this weekend.  I had some cheats, I'll have another cheat today and then back on super strict double secret paleo tomorrow.  Would really like to strip off 10 more lbs before that first WOD cause with my luck I know they'll be a bunch of pullups and if I can loose 10 more lbs I'll be able to fly and get more unbroken reps.  I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the weekend.  Time for me to slumber in sweats and my muggs!  HA


  1. AWESOME! I am so happy for you! So what is this super strict double secret paleo??? Sounds interesting...

  2. Nothing special Maria...I'm just really gonna dial it in for the next 2 weeks, no messing around. If I stay logged in for the next 2 weeks I should be able to achieve 200lbs or less for the first Open WOD. That's the task at hand. And thank you btw!

  3. Congrats! I heard about yours and Yari's amazing performance! Fantastic way to get your head into the Open. Nothing can stop you guys now!

  4. I saw your Deadlift video nice job bro. Great work!

  5. awesome job Nitro!! so proud of you!!
