Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Amanda M...Day 31

Sleep: First nights sleep in a while that was pretty horrible. Took forever to fall asleep and woke up twice during the night and had a hard time falling back asleep. However, strangely enough, my energy was fine all day. Hoping I'll sleep better tonight

Food: Same as yesterday. We have a new woman in our office and she's noticed and commented on my extreme veggie consumption basically everyday. She even set one of my new passwords to Peppers#1 haha I died laughing when she told me....I do really love peppers!

WOD: Saw running on the site..and for the first time, didn't really care haha usually it gets me all worked up and freaked out but I got to the gym and knew I just needed to power through it.

5rds: Took me about 22 min
15 hang snatches 55#...blew through these
100 singles
400m always, these were tough but didn't do as bad as I thought I would

New recipe on my blog...smoky bacon chili and cauliflower rice. Check it out!

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