Thursday, February 23, 2012

Amanda M...Day 32

Sleep: Again, not great. Took a while to fall asleep...lots of drama at work that's been following me home! Next week things should be calming down

Food: The usual, I eat basically the same thing everyday and then cook up something new on Sundays. I did, however, just eat a cookie. My first cheat on a weeknight in forever! In my defense........nah, scratch that, I shouldn't have done it haha but it was really small (2 small bites) so I'm not going to stress over it. I'm only human! And a woman! We have needs!!....chocolate needs...

WOD: What the f*%k was THAT?! I really do love Thursdays :-)

5 min amrap of each of the following:

3 Burpee chin ups: I did a burpee and jumping pullup...but jumped from the ground! I can feel a strict pullup coming my way real soon!
12 lunges

3 DB push press 25#...did these as shoulder press, bit too light for me
12 box jumps 15"

7 wall balls line every time
5 T2B

10m increasing shuttle run
Farmers Carry 55#...It's weird picking up a 55 kb knowing that that much fat (plus more!) used to be on my body and that I carried it around with me 24/7...crazy!

5  min row: 1186m

Off to bed, I am exhausted! 8 min amrap 95# thrusters tomorrow? Bring it on!


  1. Don't worry about the cookie! You worked it off today! But it's good that you're conscious of what you're eating. A cheat every once in awhile doesn't hurt too bad.

  2. You DEFINITELY worked off 2 bites of a cookie- what would you eat before?? YES WE HAVE NEEDS!!!!!!!!!!
