Thursday, April 5, 2012

Amanda M...Day 74

Sleep: normal

Food: ate well but had 2 cookies. I had made them for work but they didn't come out how I liked so they are sitting around the house. Luckily the roommates love them so they shouldn't be around long

WOD: Really didn't want to go to class tonight. I HATE box jumps...well, more afraid of them. My body just wasn't meant to be airborne! However, I am so glad I went. The RX for the jumps was 24" but I have never gone higher than the white box in a WOD so I used a 20". For the first time in a WOD ever :-)
8 rds
6 box jumps 20"
3 thrusters...I got up to 110# in the 8th round. Felt awesome! Great energy from the girls in my group
9 kb swings @ 55#. The 55# is feeling lighter and lighter lately lol

SOOOO excited for a day off tomorrow. Night all

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