Thursday, July 12, 2012

Amanda M...Day 167

Sleep: Slept SOLID. I slept so well that when my alarm went off in the morning I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out what day it was or why my phone was going off.

Food: On point. Feels so good to be back on track, my body is loving it.

Mood: All time high. I can't believe how much not working out for 3 weeks affected my mood, especially at work. I was always on edge, cranky, didn't want to talk to anyone. I feel like a whole new person

WOD: 35# was the RX but I went for 30# because my left is so much weaker than the round 5 I was really happy with the weight I chose even though I flew through the workout
7 rounds
7 DB Push Press Right side
20 m waiters carry
5 T2B
7 DB Push Press Left side
20m waiters carry
5 T2B

Great workout, totally up my ally. I think I was the second or third person who finished. I was over by the 'big girl' pull up bars because I'm too tall for the shorter ones to the left lol so I was surrounded by the guys which is always more motivating for me. I like to show off, what can I say.

Tonight's workout is another good one! Can't wait! I actually lost sleep over thinking about what weights to use tonight. Does that happen to anyone else or am I abnormally obsessed with power cleans? lol

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