Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 19........James P

Sleep 11-5:45am
Stress: low

pre WOD: protein shake
6:30am WOD:
only 155# BS kept it light legs were shot
9:20ish for the 5 rounds of wall balls
post WOD: Shake, adrenal tincture
9:00am decaf black coffee
10:am 5 trader joes Chicken meatballs and 1/2 avocado
12:30pm spinach salad with zucchini and grilled chicken. 1 cup of chili, fish oil, multi vit.
6:30pm Salmon, cauliflower, Brussels spouts
Picked up a diet coke while I was grabbing some stuff at home depot. No clue why I had a craving for that $hit.

Really tired today and pretty sore. Should have took off from today's WOD, but I was up so I decided to go in. Really didn't give a great effort in the gym today. Taking the tomorrow off. May go for a run/light jog on Sunday. Overall feeling great just really tired at the end of the week from lack of sleep. Few people at work mentioned I lost some weight. I have not weighed myself so I am not sure. I feel like I have, but also know I still have a belly! Long way to go, but feel great where I stand after 19 days.......the journey continues.

1 comment:

  1. Diet Coke is a tough one- I was addicted to it for YEARS. The only was I got off it was during one of the paleo challenges when I started Crossfit. Ketchup was another addiction that Crossfit helped me kick (during that same challenge). How about flavored water???
