Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Amanda VF Wed

Slept okay wasn't interrupted. If only my blasted kids didn't wake up so early! Took today off of work since the twins are on February break. Spent the day at the Bronx Zoo. Gorgeous day. Nice to get outside and get some sun and fresh air. I don't think I'm eating enough. I haven't posted Monday or Tuesday, but they were pretty much the same except I ate dinner. Breakfast 9:00 protein shake and supplements Lunch 12:00 brought my lunch to the zoo (so proud)! 3 turkey roll ups with spinach and guacamole. STARVING when we got home and ate goldfish and 3 valentines mini candy bars. Rats! No dinner....I'm not hungry. Probably bad. Monday and Tuesday night after WODS I had steak stir fry and chicken and broccoli. I used to drink my protein shake after WODs but, since I'm drinking it for breakfast, I'm not sure if I should drink it twice. WOD 5 rounds = 24 something 15 power snatches 35# 100 singles 400 m run Running just takes it out of me. Any WOD with running is going to take me forever. I've got to figure out how to get better. I'm sure that means more running. Sigh.


  1. I feel you on the running! I blew through the snatches but lost my stride on those damn runs. Just gotta keep working at it and you will get there
