Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Amanda M...Day 30

Sleep: 10-630...woke up once to use the lavatory but fell right back asleep

Food: The same as yesterday as far as breakfast/snacks/lunch went. For dinner I made smokey bacon chili over cauliflower 'rice'....SOOOO good, I think I found my new favorite chili recipe. I'll post the recipe and pictures for you guys tomorrow on my blog. Cant wait for dinner tomorrow already

WOD: You know its going to be bad when there are only 3 movements involved and a 4 minute rest. Honestly, I could have used another minute...it was so intense. But I'm happy to say that I finally killed a Tuesday WOD and am actually happy about my effort.

5 rounds, 4 min rest:
FS: 95# (RX was 115#...kudos to those who did it)
Jumping pullups: 15/15/12/6?!/10
Row 300m: Best time 1:02...worst 1:10

Was having a really bad day emotionally...was feeling really down about this whole process. I know its not a sprint, but I have been fighting this fight for so long yet I always end up at the same spot. I've been doing well, lost inches, feel great...but I always get to this weight/size and something in me always glitches and I self sabotage. So it's almost become engraved in my brain that I'll stay stuck here forever. As I was driving home from work I knew that I definitely needed to feel a new spark to keep me motivated. Thank god for you guys and Crossfit...all I needed was some barbell therapy and to feel the energy from everyone in the box. My body feels beaten to shit but my mind feels brand new as I head off to bed. So, thank you for your past and future support, it means more than you know!

Goodnight all!


  1. Amanda you're doing great, keep working hard, I definitely know what you mean when you say you're feeling down with the whole process, its definitely a slow uphill battle, but as a team we will all win it.

  2. Amanda, I can TOTALLY relate to what yousaid! It is like you were in my head. I get to this weight, get stuck, feel like my body is not capable of changing, and give up. It is so hard to be patient and see it through.

  3. Yep.. ditto... hate the scale!!! Celebrate the fact that you killed the wod! that for the last 30 days you have made a change and are that much closer to your goals!! Celebrate the good you deserve that!! the scale cant tell you how you feel and it will only influence it if you let it.. so dont!

  4. I'm wi you too! After 18months of crossfit, I've gotten nowhere and it is because I work really hard and then don't see what I want to see and I give up. This group is great. Although I'm not doing nearly as well as everyone else, you all are helping me not COMPLETELY give up.

    Keep going, Amanda! You're doing so great!

  5. Thanks everyone! Really, you guys are a HUGE help! :-) Had a much better day today
