Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Amanda M...Day 38

Sleep: Passed the f out, and slept right til my alarm went off. 10-630

Food: Same as yesterday, added in a handful of almonds and raisins in the morning. Work has been busy...I barely even notice I'm hungry

WOD: Okay, that ALMOST sucked more than Fran x2

30DU/10 T2B...3 rds

21 DL @ 105#
800 m row (instead of running in the freezing rain)
Finished at exactly 17 min...thank god I can power through rowing. That workout needed to be over ASAP

Crossfit Games 12.2!! Snatches baby! So pumped...I really want to make it to that 120# bar but 30 reps at 100# are going to be tough. Will try my hardest though...7 am Sat for me :-)


  1. I read your blog! Loved it, I think we may be twins separated at birth....

  2. Seriously! If you're ever feeling self sabotage-y, come find me! We can be buddies lol
