Monday, February 20, 2012

Amanda M...Day 29

Happy 1 month everyone! Was great to see you all tonight

Sleep: Went to bed by 10, I think I woke up once but passed back out immediately. Alarm went off at 6:30

Food: I was beginning to feel that I was eating too much fat (breakfast, snack and dinner usually) especially in the form of bacon...I have been cooking everything in bacon fat too...yummooo. So I took it out of my breakfast..we'll see how it goes
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with broccoli, ham and turkey deli slices (lower sodium)
Snack: red peppers
Lunch: Spinach salad, salsa, tuna...balsamic vin dressing
Snack: Baby carrots...plantain chips and guac
Dinner: Chili and plantain lasagna...holy hell, was that delicious. I tried to keep my inner fat girl at bay to avoid demolishing the whole tray and it was a success. Definitely ordering that!

WOD: Oh hey, this was a lot f'n harder than I thought it would be.

DL: 135# for 15 reps x4
KB swings: 35# for 25 reps x4
Push Press: 95# AMRAP x4 (7 for all rds...was tough! However, I was sharing the bar with the boys ;-))
Push ups: AMRAP x 4 (15/15/12/9)
50 T2B for time: 5 minute grip was not the greatest and my forearms felt like they were going to explode.

Had a lot of fun tonight! It is great to hear everyone's stories whether they be about their struggles or triumphs. Everyone is doing awesome! Keep it up

1 comment:

  1. I hear you about the inner fat girl wanting to demolish that plaintain lasagna, I felt the same way!
