Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 23 and still kicking

First I just want to say that Dr. Jaime is awesome and is a true professional at the top of her profession.  She really did a fantastic job reworking my supplements and my entire diet from top to bottom.  In all seriousness she is worth every penny.  Ok onto the results:  Total Cholesterol  325 (Very High), normal is <200.  Triglycerides are in normal range.  HDL 43 (high risk), no risk is >65.  LDL 262 (Very high), normal is <100.  So obviously you can see my concern.  How I made it this long without having a stroke or heart attack I will never know.  I'm fairly positive I've burned through almost all 9 of my lives already...no BS!  My biggest problem is this is hereditary.  My grandfather had heart disease and high cholesterol and so does my dad.  I thought I'd be able to get around it but that's not how genetics works.  As I was growing up my dad warned me about this and I just blew it off...I regret it now.  Food sensitivity results: High-Cow's milk, Egg white, yogurt.  Moderate-Kidney beans, oats, whey, cottage cheese, oranges (this really broke my heart), gluten, peanuts/peanut butter, horseradish (YUCK), swiss cheese, mozzarella cheese and wheat...WOW.   Then there were 20 other things I had low sensitivity to but that's insignificant at this point.  So for ALL THESE YEARS 80% of what I've been consuming in my diet is actually terrible for me.  Thankful that I found all this out...YES, but I'm so disappointed and stressed and just mentally having a hard time swallowing all this.  It just makes me sick and so upset and pissed off!  But don't worry I took it out on the WODs tonight.

Comp WOD PM:
30 Squat Snatchs FT @ 135 approx 11 minutes…WOOF! I flew through the first 12 in like 1:40 and then I was roasted. I started missing alot of reps (probably 10 attempts) and I didn’t take enough air in between reps. That’s why they call it practice. I WON’T make that mistake again! This was only the second time I've ever done squat snatches, the first time was last Wednesday night.
Perf WOD Part 2: 20 KB swings @ 70lbs/30 burpees/20 KB Swings FT 2:53 (I went there on this)
Shout out to Dean (Dan Leslie) for absolutely dominating the 30 squat snatches…I love training with that dude he makes me so much better! Good job and thanks man!!!

Breakfast: 3 sauteed garlic chicken tenderloins w/1 serving Brussels spouts (it's no eggs and bacon that's for sure)
Lunch 1:  Baby spinach salad w/chicken tenderloins, cucumber, orange bell pepper, red onion w/ balsamic vinegar
Snack 1: 1 red bell pepper
Lunch 2: Grilled chicken salad over mixed greens w/ balsamic vinaigrette
Snack 2: 1 serving raw almonds
Dinner 1: Ground beef w/garlic and red onion w/diced mini tomatoes and slice black olives over chopped summer squash...my favorite!
Snack 3: 1 serving of beef jerky and some raw kale snacks
Dinner 2: Ground turkey meat sauce (using TJs garlic spaghetti sauce) over spaghetti squash


  1. Be grateful that you found this out now and can change things. My cousin dropped dead of a heart attack at 41yo- no warning. So I am HAPPY for you- this year is going to be totally life changing for you!

  2. thats exactly what this year is all about-- improvement and change!! your on your way... keep up the great work!!
