Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Maria Week 4 Day Day 3

Went to bed around 11pm, woke up at 6:30- woke up at 4:40 to hit "snooze" on the alarm clock!  I realized that I could go to the gym after work tonight.

3 oz flounder
1 C asparagus, broccoli, onion, squash
1 1/4 tsp fish oil (2g)

1 TJ organic chicken/turkey sausage
2 C homemade veggie soup

3 oz wild caught salmon
1 C spaghetti squash

5:30pm WOD 3 RFT: 25 dips (parallel bars), 20 walking lunges (I used a teeny tiny KB), 75 DU
25:18 or some ridiculous time like that

I SOOOOO badly wanted to  STOP the dips and go to push ups because they were TOUGH, but I had Mandy with me saying "MOVE YOUR ASS!" I just kept telling myself "You are strong, you can do this!"  I have tight shoulders so it is really difficult for me to hold a weight over my head that small KB was tough to hold up.  I was so frustrated because DU are my favorite, usually I can blow through them, but tonight I just didn't have it.  I thought I could make up for lost time with the DU but no such luck.  I can barely move my arms right now.  Didn't even try to do a handstand.

7:30pm- starving
6 oz swordfish
2 C veggie soup

1/4 C raw mixed nuts
herbal tea with stevia
Less stressful day, but still busy- it was good.  GREAT to see my "blogmates" Neil and Amanda!  I love that!  Almost through the first month guys!


  1. It was great seeing you too! If that was you on an 'off' DU day, I cant even imagine how well you do on a good day haha you knock those out!
