Monday, February 6, 2012

AVF Day 14/3

Sept horribly last night. Crazy scary dreams and then work up at 4:30 when 2yo woke up and didn't go back to sleep. 8:15 - protein shake and supplements 12:00 - grilled chicken and broccoli leftovers. Took me almost 2hours to eat all of my lunch from people coming in my office. I forgot to eat my fat/almonds 3:30 - couple slices of deli ham with spinach and guacamole to make roll ups. 7:15 -post WOD starving...grabbed a handful of peanuts butter crackers. rats? 9:00 - dinner finally ready! Paleo meatballs with spaghetti squash. Water was awful. Maybe 20oz. WOD Power cleans - 63lbs tried 83 lbs but too heavy after my eye surgery. 3 more weeks of being careful. No 5lb plates so stuck with 63. Bench press - 65/75/80 Didn't get to finish the whole strngth portion, too many people. 12 minutes - top of minute 2 push jerks - 53lbs 6 KB swings - no idea of weight 9 ab mat sitips all rounds between 35 and 40 seconds. Going to bed. Exhausted!

1 comment:

  1. Monday night classes are RIDICULOUS! Glad you're still killin it even with your limitations after surgery :-)
