Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Amanda M...Day 10

Today was pretty good. Went to bed too late last night but slept from 11-630 with no interruptions whatsoever. Usually once I get into my streak of paleo and working out, my sleep cycle is amazing. Honestly don't think an earthquake would be able to wake my ass up!

WOD: Ring rows and running. I can do DU's but not consistently enough to use in a WOD like todays. Love how they added in a 1000m run at the end...not being sarcastic either! Can you believe the weather today?! Absolutely beautiful...perfect for night running. Finished in a little over 14 min...very happy with performance, barely took any breaks. Dyinggggg to do a pullup day!

Food: the usual. No cheats, no cravings. I'm in total game mode...not much will get in my way at this point. Not even all the finger foods sure to come this Superbowl Sunday. Bring it on


  1. I can't wait to get to the mental state you're in! Patience......
    Awesome job, Amanda!

  2. Keep practing the DUs...they get a lot easier once you become one with the DU! Pull ups will come with practice also...are you doing them with bands yet?

  3. I have my own rope and keep messing with the length to find the right fit so hoping I will get better soon! As far as pullups, I've been doing the gravitron thing but Coach Tim told me to practice with bands which I admit, I haven't tried yet. I gotta quit talking about it and just do it

  4. YOU GO GIRL!!!! You are so inspiring! I am jealous of your sleep.
