Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 10

6:45 - Wake up
Didn't get to sleep until 11:30 so didn't get as much asleep as I would have liked. But still feeling pretty good today.
7:30 - Breakfast
  • 3 Hard boiled eggs
  • 1 strip of bacon
11:30 - Lunch
    Went to Whole Foods ate off the salad bar.
  • Jerk Chicken
  • a little Cole Slaw
  • Salad
  • Tuna Salad w/ some mayo
3:30 - WOD
    For Time
    ladder couplet of the following
    unbroken CTB pull ups, 5-10-15-10-5-10-15-10-5
    double unders, 30-40-50-40-30-40-50-40-30

    (if you cannot do double unders then complete the following runs - 100 -150-200-150-100-150-200-150-100)
      14:33 with runs instead of DUs
4:30 - Post-WOD
  • Protein Shake
7:30 - Dinner
  • Grilled Chicken
  • Trader Joe's Garlic Salsa
  • 1/4 Cup Almonds
Good day today, had a little bit of added stress with some car issues but over all the day went well. Got everything taken care of. The WOD went well, it was definitely harder than it looked on the white board. Water intake was better today, but still not where it probably should be, definitely something to work on. I've been getting a little discouraged over the last few days. I really haven't noticed any differences over the last week and a half. Sleep has been about the same, have been feeling about the same, WODs have gotten a little better, but nothing too noticeable, and I haven't had any progress on weight loss/change in the way my clothes fit. I know that this is a marathon, not a sprint, but I still get frustrated, by slow progress, I want to see results now.


  1. As far as progress and seeing results go, I couldnt agree more on how frustrating it is. But, at least you're working at it and it will definitely pay off. I know the first 2 weeks for me, I'm like wtf c'mon! But by week 4 I'll get a flood of compliments on the progress. Keep fighting that fight and dont let things get you down :-) Sometimes it takes longer than we'd like for our bodies to catch up to our brains

  2. I agree with everything Amanda stated. Just keep digging Dan...loosing weight and getting fit never comes easy. You're doing great...keep the faith!

  3. I am right with you Dan. I look in the mirror and still see this belly I created. Just need to stay the course. Your doing great

  4. OMG- your food is so clean and you kick ass in the WODS- it is all going to come together- my new mantra "Patience and Perseverance" (Patients being the tough part...)

  5. Thanks guys, having ya'll as a support system definitely makes this seem much more doable.
