Sunday, January 29, 2012

Maria- Day 6

It's 1am, just got home...
8am- 3 oz salmon, 1 C cooked turnips, 1 tsp fish oil
8:45am- taught a 55 min step/weights class, did more talking than participating because I THOUGHT I was going to the 10:30am WOD also practiced handstand- got into my car and it was DEAD.  No WOD for me today.
11:45am- 2 oz steamed calamari, 1 oz tilapia, 1 C homemade vegetable soup
3:00pm- 3 oz chicken breast, 2 C cooked turnips
4:45pm- 1 oz chicken, 2 almonds
9:30pm- Dinner out: steak (~3 oz), salad with Walden Farms dressing (sugar free, carb free), bites of pork, chicken, grapes (~1C).
11:30pm- raw almonds

Did a modified version of the WOD at home- no place to jump rope so used an imaginary rope :-).
stressful morning, but not so bad the rest of the day, I went to a kids b-day party with PIZZA AND CAKE- the left over crust on my daughter's plate was calling my name but I walked away- big victory.  Dinner out people were eating fried calamari, and all kinds of desserts- I had de caf coffee.  Pretty proud of myself.

Didn't sleep enough, and tonight's not looking so good either.  Not doing so well on my goal of sleeping at least 7 hours a night.