Wednesday, January 25, 2012

James P.....Day 3

Day #3 is in the books! Wednesdays are usually my crazy day. I have late office hours and it's usually when a portion of my grad school (taking 2 classes right now)work is due for the week. This means a very stressful day, but this Wednesday seemed a little different. Don't get me wrong it was still stressful, but having my meals planned out and sticking to a schedule really made a difference. In the past I would make my meals before work, but this week I have been preparing everything the night before. I think a little time management like this is going to go a long way.
Overall today was a great day!

Stress level: Mild (working in sales I don't think it goes below this!) little anxious on my drive home after the day at work.

Sleep: 10pm - 5:45am. homeopathic remedy(energetix; relax tone) half hour before bed

WOD: 800m/75 burpees/800m 17:45. not a great time, but two of my least favorite activities combined into one WOD. Pushing through it was a step in the right direction.

Adrenal Support Tincture
hand full of almonds before 6:30am WOD
Post WOD protein shake
Breakfast: 4 buffalo chicken meatballs with 1/2 avocado. (spoon man recommendation), Decaf Coffee.
Snack: handful raw almonds 10:30is
Lunch: Spinach Salad with Zucchini and green pepper small grilled chicken
1g Fish Oil and Multi Vitamin
Snack: Raw Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrot ts
few Hershey kisses in the office had a wicked craving for sweets at like 4pm
Decaf Coffee on the way home from work
Dinner: Left over steak from last night with mixed green salad.
Drank a ton of water all day.


  1. James, I agree that packing all my meals the night before is CRITICAL! It just makes for an easier day

  2. def night before makes a difference today i am very underprepared and am def feeling anxious already about what im going to put in my mouth!

  3. FYi these Buff chicken meatballs from Trader Joes are awesome. Only had 4(they are small) about 180 calories.
