Saturday, January 28, 2012

Amanda M...Day 5

Didnt get a chance to post last night so I'll do it now!

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with sliced turkey and ham mixed in...used almond milk. (side note: I LOVE almond milk...even when I'm not strict paleo I prefer it over regular milk)
Snack: Raw red peppers
Lunch: spinach salad, salsa, Gorgonzola cheese, tuna, baby carrots
Snack: Apple
Dinner: skipped :-/ Right after the WOD I had plans to go to a friends and didn't have time to make anything. Needless to say I went to bed starving

WOD: Didnt go heavy enough on the back squat, kind of blasted through it but wanted to save my legs for the torture shortly after. I did the WOD at 105 and man, I dont know how someone to do it at 115 cause that was rough! Good job to Morgan! I see she did some of it RX...nice job!


  1. You must make sure you eat...especially after a WOD! Paleo kits are a diet saver is this circumstance. And they are good as hell!

  2. I know, it was a bad move on my part! I have ordered paleo kits before, they really are awesome. I should probably stock up for moments like this. Thank you for the reminder!
