Sleep: rough night 10:30ish to 5:45am and woke up several times through out the night.
Stress: Mild a little anxious again on the way home from work.
WOD: 6:30am
RD1 Snatch 75, jump rope 3+5
RD2 HSnatch 75, box jumps 3+5
RD3 PP 95#, run 5
RD4 PC+J 95#, K2E 5
Meals: Prepared all last night
6am handful of almonds and adrenal tincture(hawthorne, Eleuthero, Rhodiola)
7:45am post wod protein shake
9:30am 4 trader joes chicken meat with 1/2 avacado
12:15pm grilled chicken, 1 red and 1 green pepper
3:00pm raw broc and carrots
6:30pm Ground Turkey with Tomato sauce over Zucchini and side of asparagus
drank a lot of water. Really didn't feel hungry at any point during the day. Was kind of missing bread this afternoon, but I am committed to eliminating as much gluten as possible right now. Hopefully I can keep it going.
I will post blood work to my individual blog this weekend.
YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Bread is evil :-)