Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Amanda M...Day 9

Slept well...tried to get up early again today but failed again haha

Food: same as yesterday...eggs sausage, fresh veggies, boiled chicken, bacon and sweet potato burger, zucchini brownie, etc etc. Working on my water intake, was doing really well during the paleo challenge but going to the bathroom every 30 min is a hassle! Cravings for sweets and carbs are way down

WOD: Ugh, was dreading todays workout all day. I don't remember the counts for the first 3 rounds, but I did the squat clean at 65#
Round 4&5: 55# thruster, 55# kb swings...20/15/5, 20/12/5. Not happy with my performance at all, but I got there and I did it. Went for a 800m post WOD run to help make up for it.

Bought a scale today to stay on track with my goals...will try not to get crazy with weigh ins...maybe once every week or two

1 comment:

  1. Showing up to the box is half the battle. At least you stayed strong and did the workout. Scales are the DEVIL!!!
