Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 2.........Birthday Cake!

Hello All! Well day two is in the books. Today was my birthday so there was a little bad stuff going on! The great thing is I didnt turn that bad stuff into a bad day. By bad stuff I mean the wonderful piece of 3 layer Chocolate lovers cake that made it into my hands today. I can honestly say that a year ago...no a month ago that one piece would have easily become half the cake.

Sleep: 10ish to 5:45am slept pretty solid. I have been taking a new homeopathic remedy(Energetix; Relax Tone) prescribed by my ND and it has definetly been helping me.

6:30am WOD (30sec ring rows/30sec 95# Hang Squat Clean/30 sec Row/Wall balls)
RD1 – 18,7,70meter row,10
RD2- 17,6,75m, 10
RD3- 18,7, 72m, 11
RD4- 16,5, 75 m, 10
RD5- 17, 6, 75, 10

Adrenal Tincture
Breakfast- Egg white omelet with peppers and spinich, Decaf Coffee with splash of unsweet coconut milk. 8am
mid morn snack- handful of Raw Almonds 1030ish
Lunch- Spinich Salad, greenand red peppers, grape tomators, Grilled Chicken No dressing 12pm
1GFish oil and Multi Vitamin
mid afternoon snack- carrots and celery 2pm
1 piece of Chocolate lovers cake(my office loves cake) 3pm

Dinner- Birthday dinner at OLA ...nothing better than a little latin love. New York Strip, sweet potato puree and salad. Passed on the desert and my prego wife supported me. After that piece I had late morning I didn't need or really want more.
Vitamin D supp

Snack tonight- Almonds

Drank about a gallon of water today. Felt great all day didn't really ever feel hungry. The snacks are key I think. Overall it was a good day, but I was also busy in the office. I am waiting to see the day I am slow in the office as I might end up a bit more hungry. Hope all is well with everyone!


  1. Ooooh man, chocolate lovers cake. You have some serious will power for only having one piece!

    Hope you had a great birthday!

  2. wasn't easy. If Nitro didnt make the comment the other night about not throwing the entire day away I probably would have more. That statment stuck in my head.
