4 little pieces of Paleo bread with 2 tsp all-fruit jam
Starving by 10am!
1 cherry pie larabar (too many carbs)
1 bowl of beef, shrimp, & broccoli stew
Starving at 4pm!! And 5pm... and 6pm
Finally snacked on 1 cup almonds/raisins before the 6:30 WOD
Protein shake post WOD
Spinach salad with egg, bacon, & blackened salmon
1 bowl Paleo cereal
4 oz glass of Chardonnay
WOD 60 sec of squat thrusts @ 63lbs (I always use the 33lb bar cuz it's easier for me to grip. I know I could have Rxed at 65) 60 sec burpee box jump (didn't count my rounds) x3
30 wall balls @ 14lbs (graduated from the 12lb today!) 20 kb swings w/ 16k 10 thrusters @ 53lbs (again, could have Rxed but always use 33lb bar) x2
I had a doctor's appt today! I'll post an entry on my personal blog about it tmrw.