Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day #9

Slept terribly! I kept waking up in the middle of the night, tossed & turned, had an awful dream. I think I'm coming down with a cold too. My throat hurts. I've been drinking water all day. Total ounces- 160 oz

4 little pieces of Paleo bread with 2 tsp all-fruit jam

Starving by 10am!

1 cherry pie larabar (too many carbs)

1 bowl of beef, shrimp, & broccoli stew

Starving at 4pm!! And 5pm... and 6pm

Finally snacked on 1 cup almonds/raisins before the 6:30 WOD

Protein shake post WOD

Spinach salad with egg, bacon, & blackened salmon 

1 bowl Paleo cereal 

4 oz glass of Chardonnay

WOD 60 sec of squat thrusts @ 63lbs (I always use the 33lb bar cuz it's easier for me to grip. I know I could have Rxed at 65) 60 sec burpee box jump (didn't count my rounds) x3

30 wall balls @ 14lbs (graduated from the 12lb today!) 20 kb swings w/ 16k 10 thrusters @ 53lbs (again, could have Rxed but always use 33lb bar) x2

I had a doctor's appt today! I'll post an entry on my personal blog about it tmrw.

Maria Week 2 Day 2 BIG WEIGH IN

The day that Jay weighed me initially, I know I was retaining a lot of fluid, that being said I weighed myself on his scale this morning and I am 10 pounds down!  I couldn't believe it.  30 more to go...

Went to bed around 11pm and woke up at 4:45am- not sleeping enough.

Pre WOD 5am
1 oz steamed calamari
1/4 grapefruit
2 almonds
1 1/4 tsp fish oil (2g)

9am- starving
2 oz pork chop
3/4 c cooked asparagus

12:30pm- hungry but not starving
3 oz turkey breast
1C roasted brussels sprouts, cabbage, and onion
1 tsp olive oil

3:15pm- hungry
3 oz salmon
1 C cooked broccoli

5:45pm- a little hungry
2 oz pork chop
2 artichoke hearts

7:30pm- not really hungry but I know I need more food
unmeasured lean ground turkey and lean turkey sausage (~4 oz)

Stress level low today

WOD- yes I did, and let me tell you I felt awful.  TOTALLY SUCKING WIND, I mean I doubted that I could even finish and that was with breaks in between sets.  AND I was modifying because of my hamstring- HH cleans instead of squat cleans, and burpees instead of thrusters.  I hope it is just my body getting used to this meal plan.  I also have not been sleeping enough.  Jay says there is a difference between eating for aesthetics and eating for performance, but then why are there so many women at the gym who look amazing AND are incredible athletes?

Day 9.....James P

Sleep: I hit the hay early about 9:30pm up at 5:30am. homeopathic (Energetix- Relax Tone) it makes such a difference in my sleep.

Stress: Medium high. Tough day at the office, but overall I had a lot of energy and felt great even after getting my a## kicked with today's WOD.

Pre WOD 6am: 1 cup coconut water and a few raw almonds. (need suggestions on what I should eat Pre WOD) I usually eat almonds before I head in, but thinking its not enough.

RD1 17 Squat Clean/8 burpee box jumps
RD2 18 /9
RD3 18/8
RD4 30 wall balls(14#), 20 KB swings , 6 thrusters Jay helped me get to 30 again..thanks for the push boss man.
RD5 30 WB, 20 KB, 5 thrustersNot sure on the times per round.

Post WOD: Vanilla Whey mixed with coconut water Drank 20+oz water right after WOD
9:30am: 5 Trader Joe Chicken Meatballs Black decaf coffee Tomorrow hard boiled eggs.
12:15: Spinach salad, with yellow pepper, raw asparagus, and half grilled chicken breast.
1 cup chili (non paleo), but very little beans.
3:00pm: about a cup of carrots and some raw almonds.
Stopped and got a Decaf black Coffee on the way home from work.
7:00pm: Steamed broccoli and Chicken breast had a half a can of diet coke(this has to stop).

If you asked me at 7:20 towards the end of the WOD how I felt my answer would have been "death". My legs were fried my burpee box jumps must have looked really really bad! By 11am I felt like a million bucks. My diet has been off to a pretty good start these first nine days. Not totally there yet, but with the changes I have made I can definitely feel a difference in my energy levels. Still no crazy cravings. Everyone at work, CFM, and my beautiful pregnant wife have been super supportive. Let's keep it going!

Amanda M...Day 9

Slept well...tried to get up early again today but failed again haha

Food: same as yesterday...eggs sausage, fresh veggies, boiled chicken, bacon and sweet potato burger, zucchini brownie, etc etc. Working on my water intake, was doing really well during the paleo challenge but going to the bathroom every 30 min is a hassle! Cravings for sweets and carbs are way down

WOD: Ugh, was dreading todays workout all day. I don't remember the counts for the first 3 rounds, but I did the squat clean at 65#
Round 4&5: 55# thruster, 55# kb swings...20/15/5, 20/12/5. Not happy with my performance at all, but I got there and I did it. Went for a 800m post WOD run to help make up for it.

Bought a scale today to stay on track with my goals...will try not to get crazy with weigh ins...maybe once every week or two

AVF first WOD after eye surgery

8:10 breakfast - protein shake and supplements 11:45 lunch - meatball salad, 2 meatballs, romaine lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes and vinaigrette dressing. 3:40 snack - 1/4 cup blueberries 3 strawberries and handful of almonds 8:30 dinner - pecan crusted chicken broccoli 5:30 WOD First WOD 15/8, 14/8, 13/7 35lb squat clean Second WOD did ball slams instead of wall balls (can't risk something hitting me in the face after eye surgery) 30/4/9, 30/20/10 Changed kb weight for second round because way too heavy for my eyes. Doesn't make sense but I can't do anything that is heavy enough for me to squeeze my eyes. You'd be surprised how often you do it! Water about 40 oz. my first WOD after my surgery and it was a doozie. I admit I was really nervous about how far I should push it only 5 days after but, I think all went well. The biggest problem is because of my hiatus and essentially abusing my body for the last several months, I am completely out of shape and weak. I have to start over. So, now I've started over. No more excuses! My husband is traveling the rest of the week so no WODs for me until Saturday. I'll have to make sure my eating is really clean. Good night!

Tuesday, January 31

6:45 - Wake up
7:45 - Breakfast
  • 3 Hard Boiled Eggs
  • 1 TJ Sweet Italian Sausage Link
12:45 - Lunch
  • Paleo Chili
3:30 - WOD
    60 sec. amrap squat cleans, 95/65
    60 sec. amrap burpee box jump, 20/15
    rest 6minutes x 3 all @ 97%
      Round 1 -16/12
      Round 2 -16/12
      Round 3 -14/11
    30 unbroken wall balls, 20/14#
    20 unbroken kb swings, 70/55#
    10 unbroken thrusters, 75/55#
    rest 7-8 minutes x 2 all @ 97%
      Round 1 - 2:24 25 WB, 55#KB
      Round 2 - 2:42 16# WB(30), 55#
7:30 - Dinner
  • Pork Chop with Dijon Mustard and Garlic
  • Broccoli
  • 1/4 cup Pumpkin Seeds
Water still wasn't real good, and felt a little tired at different parts of the day. But over all today was a good day. Diet was good, WOD was tough but good.

Diet tip for the devoted paleo

Diet tip:
Sausage can be a delicious and healthy food that is super paleo friendly, however some sausages are also hidden sources of sugars, wheat and other non-paleo friendly ingredients. Make sure for all those choosing sausage you look carefully at the ingredients and choose a sausage that is made from only one type of meat (this will reduce the amount of fillers or binders they use in preparation). Also for the sweet sausage lovers, make sure the sweet is coming from fruit or food sources and not waist killers like high fructose corn syrup!

Day 9

Couldn't sleep last night. Just watching the clock...last time I remember was 1:13am then I finally feel asleep. Had to hit the head at 3:11am then alarm went off at 5am...sucked. I also had to fast so I couldn't eat anything before my cardio session at 6am. Got blood drawn at 8am for assessment. Lipids and allergen test. WOD am 1000m row TT 3:25 in the ball park of where I wanted to be. I want to get under 3:20. 10 burpees right after. 1000m row @ 90% 3:59, 10 burpees. 1000m row @ 95% 3:42, 10 burpees. I was physically tired today. I'm still not feeling great and Sundays strength session took a lot out of me. I can't say I'm looking forward to tonight's lactic WOD...though I will flip the switch and be logged back in at 6:30pm. Might be a sugar free red bull day around 3pm!  (didn't do it)

Diet: 1 black coffee 1 water before am session
Breakfest: 3 eggs/2yolks with mushrooms and bacon
Snack 1: espresso beans covered in dark chocolate from trader joes 1 serving
Lunch 1: baby spinach salad w/mini grape tomatoes, yellow bell pepper, raw onion w/ grilled chicken and balsamic vinegar
Snack 2: 1/2 avocado 1 serving raw almonds and another handful of espresso beans
Lunch 2: baby spinach salad w/mini grape tomatoes, yellow bell pepper, raw onion w/ grilled chicken and balsamic vinegar
Snack 3: 1/2 avocado w/ 3 slices of deli turkey and finished the espresso beans
Snack 4: 1 serving of macadamia nuts and 1 vitacoco before WOD PM
Dinner 2: Plan B...beef chili with a beef patty on top

I absolutely crushed the perf. WOD tonight.  I knew not only did I have to "get there" mentally but I was gonna have to push my body way beyond where it wanted to go tonight.  I vowed I would not whined up on the floor either.  Well I was slumped over the box at the very end!!!  I was concerned about my heal on the burpee box jumps and I could feel it a bit but nothing that would make me pull the plug like 10 days ago.  Now I'm really concerned about all the double unders tomorrow.  Time to ice and get some real sleep!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Day #8

2 fried eggs, 1/2 slice cheese, 3 turkey sausage links,  1 piece turkey bacon

1 blueberry Greek yogurt

1 porkchop, cauliflower rice, beans & peas

1 bowl Paleo cereal (almonds, raisins, unsweetened almond milk)

1/2 cup cauliflower rice & 1/2 cup peas

4oz glass of wine

Beef, shrimp, & broccoli stew (w/ green bean noodles)

1 piece Paleo bread w/ 1 tsp organic butter

WOD: 10,8,6,4,2 Power Cleans/ 65lbs,75lbs,85lbs,95lbs,115lbs

I wasn't planning on that extra 20lbs at the end, but there were no 5s left. I had to add 10s instead. I'm glad I did though :)

4,3,2,3,4 Push Press/ 65lbs,85lbs,95lbs,90lbs,85lbs

Thank you to the coaches today for helping me to correct my errors & perfect my push press! I did more weight than I expected, and my form improved.

Assisted Dips on Gravitron 1 to 7 Ladder 1 round @ 40 lbs resistance 2 rounds @ 50 lbs resistance

So I got my body fat pinched today. Check out my personal blog!

Maria Week 2 Day 1

Went to bed around 10:30pm, woke up at 5:30am wide awake in bed until 7am

1 C Almond Milk
1C Kale
1/2 C frozen strawberries
1 1/4 tsp fish oil (2g)

11:07am- very hungry
3 oz salmon
1C roasted brussels sprouts/cabbage/onion

2:05pm- very hungry
3 oz chicken breast
2 C raw zucchini (1 C cooked)

4:30pm- not hungry but I will not have another chance to eat for hours
3 oz turkey breast (off the bird)
1/2 C cooked asparagus
1 tsp olive oil

5:30pm WOD then taught a 55 min class (all weights)

9:00pm- STARVING
2 1/2 C Spring Mix lettuce
1 C cucumber
3 oz chicken breast
1 tsp olive oil
1 TBSP raw organic apple cider vinegar
1C Homemade vegetable soup

PC- heaviest: 103 (2 reps)
PP- heaviest 95 (3 reps)
push up ladder/AbMat SU- not sure how many rounds, 3 or 4.

Stress level low today, just a long day worked all day, WOD, and then taught the class, didn't get home until  8:30pm.  Made all my food for tomorrow so I am prepared and ready for success!

I was really struggling tonight at the gym.  This is when I start to get nervous about losing weight, I seem to really struggle with my workouts whenever I start eating really clean.  I did something to my hamstring yesterday, and it REALLY hurt during the Power Cleans.  Not happy with my performance today- it was nice to see some of my teammates from the YLA though!

My Day 8

This morning I didn't feel that good, bottom line...I was hung over.  My friend leaves in a couple days I'll barely see him anymore so it was great to drink with him one final time. Gonna really miss him!
Had to sit myself down and give myself a pep talk to be able to work out today...literally.  Was really sore as well from training yesterday...lower back, upper back, glutes, forearms and hands are feeling it.  Thank god I don't do the WOD till 6:30 tomorrow night.  Did a cardio session this am.  5 minute warm up, 30 min aerodyn (392 cals so close was trying for 400 cals)  The wall came early.  Then 10 minutes of freestyle jump rope.  I tried to stay unbroken as long or as much as I could.  No long breaks when you break, couple breaths and get right back in.  I recommend giving it a try...you might like it!
Diet was good.
Breakfast:  1 black coffee, 2 waters
Lunch 1:  2 chicken tenderloins (about 4-5 oz), trader joes soy/ginger Cod (8oz) w/ Brussels sprouts
Snack 1: 1 serving macadamia nuts, 3 slices of deli turkey (turkey sandwich)
Lunch 2:  Soy/Ginger Cod (8oz) with 1/2 serving of broccoli
Snack 2: 1 yellow bell pepper.  I ate it like an apple and enjoyed it!
Snack 3: 1 serving raw almonds
Dinner:  Plan B...yeah buddy!  Bourbon BBQ tenders (approx 4)...greatest things ever!  Burger Salad w/ no fries and no special dressing (its like ALL mayo).  Had roasted tomato dressing on the side...banging!
Had some cravings for sweets so had to shut that noise off!

Amanda M...Day 8

Happy Monday!

Slept okay...should have gone to bed earlier so I could get up for a double workout day but it didnt happen.

Breakfast: eggs over easy, italian sausage
Snack: red peppers
Lunch: boiled chicken with seasoning, steamed okra
Snack: carrots, apple
Dinner: one of my bacon & sweet potato turkey burgers over fresh spinach...SO GOOD!!

PC: 68 (10)/88 (8)/108 (6)/118 (4)/128 (2)...didnt realize I had a 38# bar til it was too late...was so upset when I found out! I really wanted 135x2

PP: I jumped in with a few ladies (w/ a fellow YLA member Maria!) so the first few reps I don't know how much it was but I know the last 3 reps were at 95# and the last 4 were at 105#

Push ups/abmat: 4 rounds

Goodnight all!

Day 8....James P.

Sleep: 10:30 woke up at 4:30 rolled over and made it to the 5:50 alarm. Not a good nights sleep forgot to take the homeopathic and it definitely made a difference.
Stress: light. Most people stress when it comes to Monday's...Whats the point? No need to stress over the day.

Pre WOD: Coconut water and Raw Almonds , Adrenal Support Tincture
6:30am WOD:
Power Clean: 115/125/135/155/165(only 1 rep)
Push Press 115/135/155/135/115
Dip:4 rounds +
20oz water during

POST WOD: Coconut water with vanilla protein. (tasted great!)

9:00am: Black decaf 5 Trader Joes Chicken meatballs with 1/2 avocado
20oz water
12:00pm: Spinach salad with cucumber, yellow pepper, and 4-5oz of chicken.
20 oz water , Fish Oil, Multi Viat
3:00pm: organic carrot ts and celery. Green Tea
6:30pm: 5oz baked salmon , sauteed garlic and asparagus.
20z water.
Adrenal Tincture

It's the beginning of week two and so far I feel great. I made it through the weekend which was very important for me. I have always found it easier to focus during the week and the norm was to always blow it on the weekend. Making it through this weekend was the first step at turning the corner. My meals are planned for the week so I look to stay on track. Luckily I have not had to fight any major cravings as of yet. I do need to find some more food options as my breakfast, lunch, and snacks have really been pretty similar. I swear my pants fit a little better so thats a step in the right direction!

See you all Tomorrow!

monday 1-30-2012

meals: better
7:30- oatmeal (not paleo)
10:30- sliced turkey/ banana
11:30- left over chkn and mushrooms and mixed veggies
3:00- turkey meat
5:30 gluten free pasta and meat sauce and salad

drink: water and 1 tea
wod: yes felt strong today!! had a good workout:
75, 85, 95, 105, 115 115 was my previous max for 1 so i was very excited to get it pretty easy for 2- power cleans
75, 85, 95,95,105- push jerk previous 1 rep max was 105 did that for 4 today-- awesome!!!
10 minute amrap push up ladder and 20 push ups- two complete rounds and then my world came crumbling down literally- fell on my face- because coach changed my pushup- apparently my butt was way to high- oh what a difference a little butt tuck makes!!! fought throught the third ladder did not get to the pushups!! lol!!
Hope everyone had a good day! If i had to rate my diet today on a 1-5 scale i think id be at about a 3- maybe??

The 2nd Monday.

6:30 - Wake up
Woke up at 6:30 felt pretty good, got about 8 hours of sleep, but did not want to get out of bed. Ended up laying in bed hitting the snooze button for an extra 20 minutes before finally making myself get up.
7:15 - Breakfast
  • 3 Hard Boiled Eggs
  • 1 Piece of Bacon
  • 1/4 Cup Strawberries
11:30 - Lunch
  • Romain Lettuce Salad
  • Grilled Chicken
  • 1 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
3:00 - Pre-Workout
  • 1/2 Grapefruit
  • 1/4 Cup Pumpkin Seeds
3:30 - Workout
    A. TnG Power cleans,, rest 2 minutes.
      Set 1 - 125
      Set 2 - 145
      Set 3 - 165x5
      Set 4 - 175x3+ Had 4th rep up, just didn't get my shoulders around and under it. PR for 3
      Set 5 - 185x2 PR for 2
    B. Push Press, rest 2 minutes.
      Set 1 - 85
      Set 2 - 125
      Set 3 - 155
      Set 4 - 165
      Set 5 - 175x2(PR)
    C. 1-7 dip ladder in 10 minutes - after every ladder do 20 abmat sit ups AFAP
      Scaled dip ladder to 1-4.
      2xdip ladder
      2xPushup ladder 1-7
      Didn't get sit-ups after my last round.
4:45 - Post WOD
  • Protein Shake
6:45 - Dinner
  • Paleo Chili
Felt really good today. Workout went well PR'd on both lifts. Dips are one of my weakest points but I thought I could have done a little better than I did on the ladders. Water wasn't as good as it could have been, only drank about 50 oz today. Will work on upping that again tomorrow.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day #7

Breakfast: 3 egg omelette w/ 1 slice Swiss cheese, chicken pieces, kidney beans

1 cup coffee with 1 scoop protein 

Lunch: leftover green bean noodles with coconut shrimp, 5 pineapple slices, 1 tablespoon hummus with celery stalk, 2 meatballs

Snack: 1 cup almonds & raisins w/ 1/2 cup dark chocolate almond milk (ran out of regular almond milk today)

Dinner: 1 pork chop with orange/coconut sauce, cauliflower rice with red peppers & almonds, peas & kidney beans

Dessert: almonds & raisins w/ dark chocolate almond milk

I think I eat too much Paleo "cereal."

Water: 64 oz

Rest day! No WOD.

Maria Day 7- Week One Down!

Went to bed around 1:30am(went out) and woke up at 7:10am-had to get up and teach a class.
1 C Almond Milk
1 C Kale
1/2 C frozen strawberries

8:30am- 9:25am- taught a step class with weight intervals/skill work- HH snatch and OHS

11:00am- starving
3 oz chicken breast
1C homemade vegetable soup
1 tsp olive oil

3:30pm- hungry
3 oz turkey breast
1 C cooked okra
1 C cooked broccoli
1 tsp olive oil

7:35pm- hungry
4 1/2 oz tilapia
1 C cooked broccoli
2 artichoke hearts

9:10pm- not that hungry, but need more food
1/4 C raw almonds
Sleepytime tea with stevia

Drank water throughout the day, no WOD for me today

So today I had to go to ANOTHER birthday party with pizza and cake, I have to say though that most of the parents at this party skipped the pizza.  Sometimes I think that I am THE ONLY ONE who is not going to be eating, but that is not the case.  I just kept thinking about what I wanted to write in this blog tonight and that was I WALKED AWAY.  You guys are keeping me strong!

Amanda M...Day 7

Day 7! What a great day. This is going to make me sound like a major lush but it felt so nice not waking up hungover today haha Saturday nights are usually spent with drinks and dancing but I decided to lighten up on the booze for the sake of this challenge. I woke up refreshed, I cleaned my room, went grocery shopping and cooked for the week. I made some bacon and sweet potato turkey burgers and zucchini brownies. Very excited to have new food items on my menu for the week.

Today food wise wasn't too horrible. I didn't eat until noon and I had chipotle. I count it as my cheat meal of the week but considering what I could have eaten today, I am pretty proud of myself. I had a chicken burrito, with salsa and guacamole. For dinner, I hit up stop n shop's salad bar...spinach, chicken, ham, eggs and onion.

No WOD for me today. Sunday is my only day off from working so I like to take it pretty easy. I really need to start making an effort to get to CFM on Saturdays though.

If you want the recipe for the turkey burgers, check out my blog! It's on the main page...adding the zucchini brownies to my 'recipe' page on my blog as well...check out the tabs to find the section :-)


1 down the rest of my life to go

Gonna combine Saturday and Sunday into one post here.

10:30 - Breakfast
  • 3 Eggs over Easy
  • Bacon
  • Fruit Salad
3:30 - Lunch
  • Grilled Chicken
  • Peppers
8:30 - Dinner
  • Paleo Chili

    Slept until 11:30
12:00 - Breakfast
  • Paleo Chili
6:30 - Dinner
  • Pork Chop with Dijon Mustard, Garlic, and Thyme
  • Romain Lettuce Salad
  • 1 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar

So where as most of you talk about over eating on the weekend, I think my biggest problem is going to be under eating. I don't get hungry very often, and because of this I don't think about eating when I finally do get hungry my meals are so far apart that I only have 2 meals in a day. It also doesn't help that I normally don't start my Saturday or Sunday until 11:00 and sometimes later. I'm going to start trying to get into CFM on Saturdays, so that may help me get in an extra meal on Saturday, but Sundays still may be hard. We will see.
Almost a week in... only 51 left to go!!! Its really fulfilling to read about so many people making sacrifices to better your health. The entries are filled with so much inspiration and I hope you continue to encourage each other. The food entries are my personal favorite... what a way to be accountable, just put it all out there!
One of my favorite quotes is "Its not about failure, its about the chances you miss when you don't even try" - Congrats to all the efforts and making the "trying" step... each day is a day closer!!
so been off the grid for a few-- not the best needless to say! Ill leave it at that! very stressful couple of days, not eating or drinking enough, but was at the gym so that counts for something. Need to really dial in this weekwitht he diet! Happy Sunday! Did manage to loose 2 lbs! only 68 more to go!lol!!!

Day 7...about to crush it!

Last night we preloaded food like we were never going to eat again...just awesome. I would say I ate 4-5lbs of the good stuff. I slept a SOLID 8 hrs and I needed it. Breakfast: eggs/turkey bacon and sweet potato home fries 1 black coffee and 2 waters. Still have lingering sickness but now it doesn't exist in my mind. About to nail a vita coco and see where I stand!
Compared to 2 weeks ago my strength has climbed another rung on the ladder...YES!  Workout was insane...too much to list.  My main focus was getting out of the hole on Deadlifts so for my last set of dumbbell DLs I stood on a 45 lb 2" plate.  Man did that change the dimension of the movement...WOOF!!!  Tire DLs I stood on 2-45 lb plates (4").  Forearms and Grip strength toast!  Another great movement was 1/4 Keg pushups AMRAP unbroken for 3 rounds...killed it 37, 27, 23.  Tri's dominated!  Did a bunch of other stuff but that alone is a good recap.  90 minutes in I took a page out of Froning's book and nailed 2 tbsp's of Jif extra crunchy peanut butter on 1 slice of soft wheat bread and also had a paleo kit...got me logged right back in glad I fueled up when I did.  At lunch I had a cobb salad, NO CHEESE or Fatty Salad Dressing, just balsamic vinegar and topped it with grilled chicken, smoked beef brisket and pulled pork.  Good stuff!  I've reached Zombie status...no idea what's on the menu for dinner.  Update ya'll later...
Dinner was in fact Plan B.  Of course Bourbon BBQ tenders, will have them every time for the rest of my life...that's it.  Entree was some meat burger with a bunch of extra meat on it...yeah I'll take that in the grass with green fries.  Green fries great tonight.  Had some drinks, I shouldn't do that...but my great close friend is moving to Miami in 5 days so that sucks but good for him.  Three Olives Grape with Club Soda...I know but whateva!  God Bless Tom Brady!

Maria- Day 6

It's 1am, just got home...
8am- 3 oz salmon, 1 C cooked turnips, 1 tsp fish oil
8:45am- taught a 55 min step/weights class, did more talking than participating because I THOUGHT I was going to the 10:30am WOD also practiced handstand- got into my car and it was DEAD.  No WOD for me today.
11:45am- 2 oz steamed calamari, 1 oz tilapia, 1 C homemade vegetable soup
3:00pm- 3 oz chicken breast, 2 C cooked turnips
4:45pm- 1 oz chicken, 2 almonds
9:30pm- Dinner out: steak (~3 oz), salad with Walden Farms dressing (sugar free, carb free), bites of pork, chicken, grapes (~1C).
11:30pm- raw almonds

Did a modified version of the WOD at home- no place to jump rope so used an imaginary rope :-).
stressful morning, but not so bad the rest of the day, I went to a kids b-day party with PIZZA AND CAKE- the left over crust on my daughter's plate was calling my name but I walked away- big victory.  Dinner out people were eating fried calamari, and all kinds of desserts- I had de caf coffee.  Pretty proud of myself.

Didn't sleep enough, and tonight's not looking so good either.  Not doing so well on my goal of sleeping at least 7 hours a night.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day #6

Breakfast: 3 egg omelette with cauliflower rice, black-eyed peas, 1/4 cup chicken, 1 piece turkey bacon, 1 cup coffee with almond milk

Snack Protein shake after WOD

Snack Paleo cereal (almonds, raisins, 1/2 cup pineapple w/ almond milk)

Lunch Leftover broccoli slaw and cauliflower rice

Snack  Paleo cereal with 1/2 cup strawberries & 1/2 cup pineapple

Snack 1/2 cup black-eyed peas with homemade salsa

Dinner Coconut shrimp with green bean pasta Modified this recipe: http://fresh4five.blogspot.com/2010/04/thai-coconut-shrimp-pasta.html?m=1

Dessert: 8oz of Chardonnay & 1 mimosa (Am I being that terrible?)

96 oz water

Vitamins: B-complex, C, Niacin, fish oil


Finished in 18:34 (I finished first today! Yes, I felt a bit competitive)

20 clean & jerks @ 83lbs, 300 singles, 40 db push up things w/ 15 lbs, 1k run

one week down... almost

All - I am extremely proud of everyone.  Remember the first 3-4 weeks are the toughest, you will be going through detoxing the body, and it will fight back to get you to eat the crap again.  Maintain what you are doing, and tell yourself to just get to one month in, once you do that the path will get easier each day.  How is each person feeling otherwise?

Day 6.....

Usually the weekends are my down fall when it comes to diet, but so far so good.

Sleep: 12am - 7:30am
Stress: light

Adrenal support tincture, fish oil, multi Vitamin.
8:30am onion and pepper omelet, grapes and half of a grapefruit on the side.
1:30pm The wife and I were out and about stopped at Wood N Tap for lunch. I had a cup of soup to start, California Cobb Salad(no cheese or croutons).
6:00pm Whole foods boneless pork chop, steamed broc and carrots.

Snack tonight some raw almonds.

I missed out on a lot of my usually mid morning and mid afternoon snacks but I really didn't feel hungry. I did slip up and have a diet coke this afternoon. A normal saturday for me would have usually included a some large sub for lunch, chips, and if I went to WNT probably a few beers. Neither happened so this was a good start to the weekend!

Amanda M...Day 6

So so upset that I didn't get up to do today's WOD...clean and jerks are my favorite. My alarm went off at 6:20 this morning...and after going to bed at 12:30 and knowing I had to work on my feet for 7 hours today, I just couldn't talk myself into it.

Food: This isn't going to be pretty...keep in mind I worked from 10-5 today at a bakery, we had a kids party and a food tour come in, not to mention we sold out of everything today so it was busy!

Breakfast 8:30: Scrambled eggs with ham
Lunch 1:00: spinach salad with tuna, salsa, balsamic
Dinner 6:00: sweet onion bubba burger...so juicy!

Will be going to the movies tonight. Usually, I would go stock up on snacks at target but I'll be bringing some red peppers to munch on. It'll sound like popcorn, no one will know the difference haha

Big thank you for all your guys' support when my brain wouldn't shut up about wanting to eat a cookie today. Couldn't have made it through the craving without you! I was very close to giving in lol I usually take home a pack of cupcakes for my roommates and me but I didn't bring home a single one. (They aren't happy, but I am! haha)

Day 6

Feeling a lot better today. I think yesterday's WOD snapped me back into reality. I'm leaving for Long Island tonight after work cause I have another strength training session with my coach tomorrow at 9am. I'm pumped cause these workouts are just straight up brute force strength sessions. Hopefully I've maintained my strength even though I was sick all week. No WOD today though I may hit the rower when I get to LI tonight for 30 minutes. Breakfast: 3 eggs/2 yolks with traders joes bacon and baby Bella mushrooms, 1 black coffee, 2 waters Snack 1: 1/2 yellow bell pepper Lunch 1: baby spinach salad with yellow bell peppers/red onion/cucumber with 3 chicken tenderloins w/ balsamic Snack 2: 1/2 avocado with 3 slices deli turkey Lunch 2: baby spinach salad with yellow bell peppers/red onion/cucumber with 3 chicken tenderloins w/ balsamic Snack 3: 1/2 avocado with 1 serving of raw almonds Dinner: Tonight we preload for tomorrows session so I will easily consume 3-4 lbs of protein and veggies. We usually eat some whole brown rice but I can't eat that now so I brought a sweet potato...LOL! I love the anticipation of what's on the menu cause I don't find out till I get there. Could be a tray of pork chops, ny strips, 6 lbs of chicken...who knows! Stay strong everyone...just cause its the weekend doesn't mean you should throw away the diet!

Amanda M...Day 5

Didnt get a chance to post last night so I'll do it now!

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with sliced turkey and ham mixed in...used almond milk. (side note: I LOVE almond milk...even when I'm not strict paleo I prefer it over regular milk)
Snack: Raw red peppers
Lunch: spinach salad, salsa, Gorgonzola cheese, tuna, baby carrots
Snack: Apple
Dinner: skipped :-/ Right after the WOD I had plans to go to a friends and didn't have time to make anything. Needless to say I went to bed starving

WOD: Didnt go heavy enough on the back squat, kind of blasted through it but wanted to save my legs for the torture shortly after. I did the WOD at 105 and man, I dont know how someone to do it at 115 cause that was rough! Good job to Morgan! I see she did some of it RX...nice job!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 5

6:30 - Wake up
    Just under 8 hours of sleep. Woke up once around 4:30 fell back to sleep quickly.
7:15 - Breakfast
  • 3 Hard Boiled Eggs
  • 1 TJ All natural Sweet Italian Sausage Link
12:10 - Lunch
  • 90/10 Ground Beef with Cajun Seasoning
  • Romaine Lettuce Salad
  • 1 Tbsp Olive Oil
3:00 - Pre-Workout
  • 1/2 Grapefruit
  • 1/4 Cup Almods
3:30 - WOD
    A. Back Squat, 2.2.2x3, rest 15 seconds, rest 2 minutes
    Set 1 - 205
    Set 2 - 215
    Set 3 - 225
    40 FS @ 185/115#
    *every time you drop the bar do 10 GHD Sit ups
    8:42, I think. Broke it up into 5 sets, 10, 8, 8, 8, 7
4:30 - Post WOD Shake
6:30 - 9:45 Indoor Rock Climbing
  • Eggs
  • Bacon
  • Ham
  • Sausage

  • So this may not have been the best meal but I went out with my friend after climbing to the diner and was starving so I needed to eat something. Decided that this was one of the lesser of the available evils. It is for the most part paleo. Didn't do any potatoes, toast or anything, There may have been some milk in the eggs from the omelet, not sure didn't ask, but will remember to do that next time.

Over all it was a good day. Work out went well, diet was good for the most part...again, may have been a little off at dinner but don't think it was too bad of a slip. Climbing was a ton of fun, and is a great workout, I've been doing it for a few weeks now and am loving it.

Day 5...

Sleep: Exhausted this morning was up late finishing some work and writing a paper. Didn't fall asleep until after midnight...needless to say I didn't make it to 6:30am WOD :( rise and shined at 7:45 today.

Stress: Pretty high today, but just alot of stuff towards the end of the week between work and school. In the past I have been an emotional eater so managing this stress is going to be key to my success.


8:30 decaf coffee black (trying to drop caffeine), omelet with spinach and green pepper 1/2 avocado, Adrenal Support Tincture
10:00 handful Raw Almonds
12:30 Cobb salad without cheese
Fish Oil, Multi Vitamin
3:00 Steamed asparagus and zucchini
7:00 Grilled chicken with mixed vegetables and a salad

I ate pretty "clean" all week, but my downfall has always been the weekends especially after stressful weeks. I am ready for this challenge though...Time to make it happen....mission gut be gone is on!

I will say that eating alot cleaner than I have in the past has improved my energy level during the afternoons in the office. I used to want to take a nap after lunch, but eating healthier has changed that!!!

Day #5

I felt good today! I'm getting back on my protein shakes & vitamins. Feelin strong. 

Breakfast 3 egg omelette with 1 slice mozzarella cheese, shredded chicken, and black-eyed peas (side of guacamole

Snack Awesome protein shake with coconut pieces!  (Tim just bought a Ninja blender to make us protein shakes. It came with 2 individual cups. Wonderful appliance! I'm loving it.)

Lunch Chicken, 1/2 cup spinach, 1/2 cup collard greens, 1/2 cup broccoli

Snacks Protein shake w/ 1 cup almond milk Natural energy drink

Dinner Pork chop, broccoli slaw, cauliflower rice with carrots

Water: 128 oz Vitamins: C, B-complex, Niacin

WOD Back squat 2.2.2 x3 115, 135, 155

40 Front squats (20 sit-ups or 10 GHDs at breaks) 7 reps @ 115 13 reps @ 105 20 reps @ 95

I really wanted to Rx this @ 115 for the entire WOD but no such luck. I was struggling with it.

Maria- Day 5

Went to bed around 10:30pm and woke up at 4:45am- not enough sleep, but I felt okay, woke up once in the middle of the night to use the bathroom!  Anyone else??

Pre WOD 5am
Shake made with 1 C Almond Milk, 1 C Kale, 1/2C blueberries
1 oz chicken breast
5:30am WOD

Post WOD 6:40am
1 scoop whey protein with 1 scoop BCAA

taught an 8:30am kickboxing/step/weights class 55 minutes- Intense, sweated my butt off

2:15pm- yeah I know WAY too long in between meals- I was pretty hungry 
2 1/2 C Spring mix lettuce
2 artichoke hearts
1 C cucumber
3 oz tilapia
1 1/4 tsp fish oil (2g)
1 tsp olive oil
1 TBSP Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
3 C homemade vegetable soup

5:30pm - pretty hungry
1 oz steamed calamari
1C cooked brussels sprouts/cabbage/onion
1 tsp olive oil

7:00pm- not hungry, but it is getting late and I have not eaten enough today
4 oz chicken breast
1 C cooked broccoli
1 C cooked B. Sprouts/Cabb/Onion
1 tsp olive oil

Plan for 9pm
1/4 C Raw Almonds
Sleepytime tea with Stevia

WOD- kept it super light with the back squat and Front squats, Anything involving deadlifting, squatting, box jumps, or GHD freaks me out with my back.  Max on the B.S. was 123.  Only did 75 on the F.S. and had to do GHD SU 3 times (30 total) only went to parallel on the GHD.

Worked on HSPU off a box

Anyone working out at 7am tomorrow???  I will be there!

Home today, stress level low, just doing a lot of running around and work around the house.  It is so amazing to me how little it takes to start feeling better.  Anyone reading this thinking that it will take months to notice a change - think again!  A few days of clean eating and I feel AWESOME.

Day 5er

Feeling a lot better today. I think yesterday's WOD snapped me back into reality. I'm leaving for Long Island tonight after work cause I have another strength training session with my coach tomorrow at 9am. I'm pumped cause these workouts are just straight up brute force strength sessions. Hopefully I've maintained my strength even though I was sick all week. No WOD today though I may hit the rower when I get to LI tonight for 30 minutes. Breakfast: 3 eggs/2 yolks with traders joes bacon and baby Bella mushrooms, 1 black coffee, 2 waters Snack 1: 1/2 yellow bell pepper Lunch 1: baby spinach salad with yellow bell peppers/red onion/cucumber with 3 chicken tenderloins w/ balsamic Snack 2: 1/2 avocado with 3 slices deli turkey Lunch 2: baby spinach salad with yellow bell peppers/red onion/cucumber with 3 chicken tenderloins w/ balsamic Snack 3: 1/2 avocado with 1 serving of raw almonds Dinner: Tonight we preload for tomorrows session so I will easily consume 3-4 lbs of protein and veggies. We usually eat some whole brown rice but I can't eat that now so I brought a sweet potato...LOL! I love the anticipation of what's on the menu cause I don't find out till I get there. Could be a tray of pork chops, ny strips, 6 lbs of chicken...who knows! Stay strong everyone...just cause its the weekend doesn't mean you should throw away the diet!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Amanda M..Day 4

Wow, late night for me tonight! It's almost midnight, but I couldn't miss Jersey Shore!

Slept awesome last night, ate really well today (same meal plan as the past few days) although I did throw in a few semi-sweet chocolate chips cause I was seriously craving chocolate.

Snatch/DU: 4 rounds @ 65#
Snatch/Box: 4 rounds @ 65#
Press/Sprint: 6 rounds @65#
Clean&Jerk/T2B: 5 rounds @70#. I really wanted to go for 75 but the 5lb plates were all taken.
Lifts went up fast and easy, got caught up on the box jumps per usual. I did more than the RX weight but I felt really good today so I wanted to kill it. Great workout!
I'll be sleeping like a baby tonight! Tomorrow is friday...weekends are always rough for me so let's hope I can hold myself together

Day #4

I felt good and energetic all day, despite it being busy at work!

Reminder: Start taking my vitamins again (C, B, magnesium, niacin).

1 bowl of Paleo "cereal" (see yesterday's description)
1 Paleo muffin
2 cups coffee with 1/2 cup almond milk

1 Paleo muffin

Split pea with ham soup
Salad with deli turkey meat, avocado, artichoke hearts, gorgonzola cheese, bacon
1 cup coffee with 1/4 cup almond milk

Cherry tomatoes & 100-calorie pack of guacamole

Protein shake after WOD

Chicken breast, broccoli, collard greens

1 cup Paleo cereal (raisins, cashews, almonds w/ almond milk)
8 oz of dry white wine
Water: 128 oz

Today's WOD:
5 power snatches @ 53lbs
12-15 double unders (since I can only string together single-single-double)

5 hang snatches @ 53lbs
15 box jumps on grey box

5 push presses @ 53lbs
line touches

5 clean & jerks @ 53lbs
5 T2B

Comments: The whole time I was doing push presses and clean & jerks I thought my weight was way too light, but I didn't have time to add any plates. I didn't realize we were supposed to go up in weight... just didn't read the white board close enough to see the 65 lb Rx. Booooo.

Maria- Day 4

Went to bed around 11pm, woke up at 4:30am for no reason (day off of work today), went back to sleep until 7am- felt rested.

PRE WOD 8:10am
1 oz salmon
1/4 grapefruit
9am WOD

POST WOD 10:15am
1 scoop EHP protein

12pm- pretty hungry
3 oz steamed calamari
1C cooked cabbage
1C broccoli (measured raw but ate it cooked)
1 tsp fish oil

3:40pm- hungry
3 oz salmon
2C (measured frozen) spinach

6:40pm- hungry but not starving
4 oz turkey breast
1 C cooked okra- I never ate this before, it is pretty good!
2 C homemade vegetable soup- all natural chicken broth, tomato paste, spinach, cabbage, zucchini, onion, carrots, celery, asparagus, and spinach- YUMMY!

9pm- not hungry but didn't eat enough and I like a snack at night!
14 raw almonds
sleepytime tea with stevia


WOD: snatch/DU- 2rounds +10 reps
HH snatch/box jumps- 2+ rounds
Push Press/line touches- no idea
C+J/T2B (God I want to get better at these)- no idea

I went into the workout today INCREDIBLY sore from yesterday, so I didn't go crazy today- I am still paranoid about my back, and I am REALLY trying to listen to my body BUT I think there is a fine line between being careful and stalling growth out of fear.  Any advice about this?  I know it is a tough one.

Minmal stress today- I didn't work at the hospital today, but I swear I work more being a mom than I do at work!!!  I am tired....

Day 4............so far so good!

Sleep: rough night 10:30ish to 5:45am and woke up several times through out the night.

Stress: Mild a little anxious again on the way home from work.

WOD: 6:30am
RD1 Snatch 75, jump rope 3+5
RD2 HSnatch 75, box jumps 3+5
RD3 PP 95#, run 5
RD4 PC+J 95#, K2E 5

Meals: Prepared all last night
6am handful of almonds and adrenal tincture(hawthorne, Eleuthero, Rhodiola)
7:45am post wod protein shake
9:30am 4 trader joes chicken meat with 1/2 avacado
12:15pm grilled chicken, 1 red and 1 green pepper
3:00pm raw broc and carrots
6:30pm Ground Turkey with Tomato sauce over Zucchini and side of asparagus

drank a lot of water. Really didn't feel hungry at any point during the day. Was kind of missing bread this afternoon, but I am committed to eliminating as much gluten as possible right now. Hopefully I can keep it going.

I will post blood work to my individual blog this weekend.

Day 4

6:30 - Wake up
    Woke up today no problem. Didn't want to get out of bed, despite feeling well rested.
7:15 - Breakfast
  • 3 Hard Boiled Eggs
  • 1/8 Cup Pumpkin Seeds
  • 1/4 Cup Strawberries
12:10 - Lunch
  • Grilled Chicken
  • Romaine Lettuce Salad
  • 1 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
  • 1/8 Cup Pumpkin Seeds
  • 90/10 Ground beef with Cajun Spices
  • Roman lettuce Salad
  • 1 Tbsp Olive Oil

Good day today. Food was good. Enjoyed having the rest day from CrossFit. Sleep by 10:30 again tonight.

Day 4...still making the best of it

Still no where near 100% but I'm not going to dwell on it or speak negatively.  I got up, had a black coffee, 2 waters went to CFM drank a VitaCoco and did work.  Nothing to strenuous WOD: 1000m row (3:45 off the pace by about 20 seconds) rest 4 minutes 1000m row (3:42) rest 5 minutes then did a 20 min AMRAP "Cindy" (15 or 16 rounds lost count at the end was dizzy and ready to pass out).  Had a post WOD protein shake and for Breakfast I'm having organic ground beef with red onion/black olives/tomatoes over chopped summer squash.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 3

Went to bed at 10pm, woke up twice in the middle of the night, and then got up at 4:45am- so proud of myself for getting up today- it is SOOO hard for me in the winter time when it is still dark outside at that hour and cold too!

PRE WOD 4:55am (yes you read that right):
1oz salmon
2 raw almonds
1/2 grapefruit
black coffee
5:30am WOD

7:45am: hungry
1 oz steamed calamari

10:00am: hungry
1 oz sirloin steak
1 C cooked spinach
1 tsp fish oil

12:40pm: very hungry
3 oz baked tilapia
1 tsp fish oil
organic cranberry tea

5:05pm: hungry
1 oz turkey breast
raw green pepper
2 raw almonds

6:30pm not really that hungry but had to eat because I had someplace to be
unmeasured roasted chicken (~6 or 8 oz)
roasted cabbage, turnips, and onions
2 TBSP Almond Butter

9:30pm: Not hungry but picked on food
2 slices lean roast beef
4 slices turkey pepperoni
4 almonds
2 strawberries

Water with every meal

WOD: Pull Up Clusters 1.1.1 x 5: 1st set with body weight, then next 4 sets with 5 lbs
weighted Dips: 5x5  1st set was body weight, next 3 sets were with 5 pounds, last set I did 2 with 5 lbs and the rest with BW
800m run, 75 burpees, 800m run 17:29

Felt good in the WOD, but I not as strong as I once was- with this transformation I am making my comeback!

VERY stressful day at work today, hence the extra picking on food, I stayed within my numbers ( I think) but it is that mindless eating that gets me into trouble.  Tomorrow I am committing to you guys that I will only eat my planned meals and nothing more!

Feeling really good over all

Amanda F.

Today was definitely better, but far from perfect.  Slept okay last night but was woken up by 2 of my 3 kids in the middle of the night!  Had my protein shake for breakfast (because Dr. Jaime knew that I am horrible at finding time to eat breakfast, she has made it exceptionally easy for me!) then a spinach salad for lunch and then hamburger, no bun, avocado and salsa, with veggies on the side.  Water was about 40 oz.  No WOD tonight.  In the interest of de-stressing, since I had work committments the last two nights and didn't see my family, I opted to go home and hang out with the crazies tonight. 

Lasik surgery tomorrow so I will be out of commission.  Keep your fingers crossed!

Until Friday.....

James P.....Day 3

Day #3 is in the books! Wednesdays are usually my crazy day. I have late office hours and it's usually when a portion of my grad school (taking 2 classes right now)work is due for the week. This means a very stressful day, but this Wednesday seemed a little different. Don't get me wrong it was still stressful, but having my meals planned out and sticking to a schedule really made a difference. In the past I would make my meals before work, but this week I have been preparing everything the night before. I think a little time management like this is going to go a long way.
Overall today was a great day!

Stress level: Mild (working in sales I don't think it goes below this!) little anxious on my drive home after the day at work.

Sleep: 10pm - 5:45am. homeopathic remedy(energetix; relax tone) half hour before bed

WOD: 800m/75 burpees/800m 17:45. not a great time, but two of my least favorite activities combined into one WOD. Pushing through it was a step in the right direction.

Adrenal Support Tincture
hand full of almonds before 6:30am WOD
Post WOD protein shake
Breakfast: 4 buffalo chicken meatballs with 1/2 avocado. (spoon man recommendation), Decaf Coffee.
Snack: handful raw almonds 10:30is
Lunch: Spinach Salad with Zucchini and green pepper small grilled chicken
1g Fish Oil and Multi Vitamin
Snack: Raw Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrot ts
few Hershey kisses in the office had a wicked craving for sweets at like 4pm
Decaf Coffee on the way home from work
Dinner: Left over steak from last night with mixed green salad.
Drank a ton of water all day.

Day #3

3 egg omelette w/ butternut squash, tomatoes, onions, 1 piece turkey bacon, 1 slice mozzarella cheese
1cup coffee w/ 1/4 cup almond milk 

1 Chobani Greek yogurt 

1 pork tenderloin
Cabbage & broccoli
100 calorie pack of guacamole

Cashews & raisins

1 bowl of Paleo cereal

Shrimp salad with beans, tomatoes, cucumbers and vinegar
2 Paleo muffins with 1 tsp unsalted peanut butter (not Paleo) and 1 tsp strawberry 100% fruit jam

Water 128 oz

I didn't do CrossFit today, too tired from a long & stressful work day. However, I did run (literally) to the grocery store and back to buy cucumbers and tomatoes.

Amanda M...Day 3

Happy Hump Day team!

Much better day today. Went to bed by 9:45, up at 6:30...felt nice and rested all day.

Food...pretty much same as yesterday. Eggs sausage, carrots, salad, red peppers, guacamole/plantain chips, apple, chicken. When I grocery shop, I tend to buy in bulk just to save time and money and end up eating the same stuff all week. However, I printed out a TON of new recipes to try out and I will be sure to share with you all. I'm thinking Paleo Jambalaya for next week, yum!

WOD: Honestly, it took everything I had to not skip out on tonight's workout. I dread running and burpees aren't a favorite of mine either. However, I made it in and got it over with. I just kept telling myself "its just hell for 20 minutes, you can do it!"


one with the run....

3 down!
I will start by saying that im starving!!!!!! not a good thing!
hot cereal-7:30 not paleo
fruit and nut bar 10:00
sliced chicken, cucumbers and peppers- 11:00
sliced ham- 1:30
carrots/ salad- 2:30
2 small prok chops and cauliflower- 5:30
drink- tea (1) black and water again not enough!
WOD: yes i did! took me a while but i did it -
800 meter run-50 thrusters-800 meter run 20 and change
I will say that my 10 year old did the WOD rx'd in 18:12-- she kicked my butt!!! and did all 75 burpees the right way! awesome!
sleep: good 9:30ish till about 7:00am woke up a couple of times
and thats about it for today!
have a great night everyone!

I plan on swimming tomorrow if anyone would like to join me- about 1:00ish?

3 down and feeling good

6:30 - Wake up
    Woke up today no problem. Felt good, however I was yawning a lot, not really sure what this means. 
7:15 - Breakfast
  • 3 Hard Boiled Eggs
  • 1/4 Cup Pumpkin Seeds
  • 1/2 Grapfruit
12:10 - Lunch
    Did not get hungry all morning, so increasing the amount of protein/fat was a good choice I believe. I'm going to try to mix other types of protein with eggs in the future (turkey bacon, lean sausage, etc)
  • Brocoli
  • Grilled Chicken
  • 1/8 Cup Macademia Nuts
    Felt tired. Had trouble keeping my eyes open at times. Not really sure what is causing this as I slept well and have eaten well so far today.
4:00 - Pre-Workout
  • 1/4 Cup Strawberries
  • 1/8 Cup Macadamia Nuts
4:30 - WOD
    A.1 Weighted Pull up cluster, 1.1.1x5, rest 15 sec., rest 30 seconds
    A.2 Weighted Dip, 5 x 3-5, rest 60 seconds
    "Fo Shizzle"
    800 meter run
    75 burpees
    800 meter run

    Set 1 - 10/BWx5
    Set 2 - 10/BWx5
    Set 3 - 10/BWx5
    Set 3 - 10/BWx5
    Set 4 - 10/BWx5
    Set 5 - 10/BWx5

    14:04 RX - Burpees were tough but did them unbroken, first run 3:42 second run around 4:00.
5:30 - Post WOD Shake
  • Grilled Chicken
  • Salad
  • 1 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1/8 cup Macadamia Seeds

Felt good today. Going to try to make sure I get 8 hours of sleep again tonight which means bed by 10:30, this is definitely a change for me as I'm used to not getting to bed until 1130 or 12. Water was good, drank 101 oz. and I am going to try to reach 110 tomorrow. Also going to go food shopping tomorrow to try to get some more variety into my diet.

Day 2-3

So I woke up Tuesday morning and felt terrible.  My throat/sinuses were killing me, I couldn't breath very well and I had 0 energy.  I slept on the couch all day and took about 5 naps and I was in bed early and slept like 9 hours.  Not like me at all!  I'm hoping to send this sickness packing by tonight or early tomorrow...I don't have time for this.  I barely ate anything yesterday,  maybe 2 meals and a couple simple snacks but I did drink alot of water.  Obviously no WOD yesterday.  I'm supposed to go play hockey today at 1pm but I don't think that is going to happen...we'll see.  Ok back to the couch to wait for the fog to lift!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day Two- Success!

Went to bed too late, hit snooze at 4:40am and missed the WOD today.  If I don't get to the 5:30am class I don't get to go, it is my only option on most days.  SO today was a rest day for me.  I did my fasting blood work so I did not eat until LATE.
9:55am: 3 oz steamed calamari
            Cooked spinach
            1 tsp fish oil
1:25pm: 3 oz chicken breast
             Cabbage, turnips, spinach and onions-cooked
             1 tsp fish oil
             lemon juice
4:00pm:1 oz salmon
            1/4 tsp olive oil
7:20pm: 3 oz tilapia
            cabbage, turnips, onions-cooked
            1 tsp olive oil
8:00pm: 1 oz salmon
             2 oz turkey breast
             1C broccoli
             2 almonds
9:10pm: 1 C green tea with stevia

Drank water with every meal
Slept 11pm- 6:30am- broken since I hit the snooze button....

I felt really good today, not hungry and in control.  I didn't pick on extra food- MAJOR thing for me.  I am just confused, my calories seem low, and my carbs were REALLY low.  Protein and fat were good.  Dr. Jaime told me not to count the carbs in my vegetables, and I am trying to stay away from fruit.  I am not eating any grains, so how do I get the carbs in?  Advice anyone?

Day 2.........Birthday Cake!

Hello All! Well day two is in the books. Today was my birthday so there was a little bad stuff going on! The great thing is I didnt turn that bad stuff into a bad day. By bad stuff I mean the wonderful piece of 3 layer Chocolate lovers cake that made it into my hands today. I can honestly say that a year ago...no a month ago that one piece would have easily become half the cake.

Sleep: 10ish to 5:45am slept pretty solid. I have been taking a new homeopathic remedy(Energetix; Relax Tone) prescribed by my ND and it has definetly been helping me.

6:30am WOD (30sec ring rows/30sec 95# Hang Squat Clean/30 sec Row/Wall balls)
RD1 – 18,7,70meter row,10
RD2- 17,6,75m, 10
RD3- 18,7, 72m, 11
RD4- 16,5, 75 m, 10
RD5- 17, 6, 75, 10

Adrenal Tincture
Breakfast- Egg white omelet with peppers and spinich, Decaf Coffee with splash of unsweet coconut milk. 8am
mid morn snack- handful of Raw Almonds 1030ish
Lunch- Spinich Salad, greenand red peppers, grape tomators, Grilled Chicken No dressing 12pm
1GFish oil and Multi Vitamin
mid afternoon snack- carrots and celery 2pm
1 piece of Chocolate lovers cake(my office loves cake) 3pm

Dinner- Birthday dinner at OLA ...nothing better than a little latin love. New York Strip, sweet potato puree and salad. Passed on the desert and my prego wife supported me. After that piece I had late morning I didn't need or really want more.
Vitamin D supp

Snack tonight- Almonds

Drank about a gallon of water today. Felt great all day didn't really ever feel hungry. The snacks are key I think. Overall it was a good day, but I was also busy in the office. I am waiting to see the day I am slow in the office as I might end up a bit more hungry. Hope all is well with everyone!


So, in the spirit of being honest, my first two days of this YLA have been horrible!  I have eaten on average 1 1/2 times in both days, none of the meals being exceptionally good and I haven't been able to do the WODs because of work commitments.  So, I'm off to a killer start.  Sigh.  One good thing is that I actually gave up Diet Coke; my crack.  Because of it I have had a massive headache that slightly goes away with Advil, but, as in previous experiences, I know that I'll just have to deal with for the next several days.

I am planning on tomorrow being better.....eating, sleeping, dealing with stress (work) and staying off the DC.


Day 2 in the books

7:00 - Wake up
    Not a real good start to the day, woke up 30 minutes late, some how slept through my alarm. I made a conscience effort to get to bed early last night, and was asleep by 1030, but I woke up at 5 am feel back asleep relatively easily, but then then slept through my alarm at 630. Luckily I packed lunch and breakfast last night, so I was able to get dressed and out the door quickly.
7:30 - Breakfast
  • 2 Hard Boiled Eggs
  • 1/8 Cup Almonds
  • 1/4 Cup Strawberries
    Low energy, felt tired, slight headache in sinuses. Started to get hungry
10:50 - Lunch
  • Lettuce
  • Grilled Chicken
  • 2 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
3:00- Pre-Workout
  • 1/2 Grapefruit
  • 1/4 Cup Almonds
3:30 - WOD
    30 sec. amrap pull ups
    30 sec. amrap hang squat clean, 95/65#
    30 sec. amrap double unders (sub row sprint)
    30 sec. amrap unbroken wall balls
    rest 6 minutes x 5

    Averaged 15 pullups, 9 Squat Cleans, 90m Row, and 10 Wallballs.
    This session was tough just like lactate sessions always are.
4:30 - Post WOD Shake 7:00
  • Grilled Pork
  • Broccoli
  • 1 Tbsp Coconut Oil
  • 1/8 cup Pumpkin Seeds

Over all felt pretty good today. Had a headache most of the day prior to working out. Not sure what caused it, felt like it was in my sinuses but didn't feel any congestion or anything else. Got hungry pretty quickly this morning, going to try to up protein intake by having 3 hard boiled eggs instead of 2 for breakfast tomorrow. Water was pretty good, drank about 80 oz. Going to shoot for 100 tomorrow. Also going to try to keep sleep at at least 8 hours again tonight to help with low energy during the day and over sleeping my alarm.

tues day 2

Hot cereal (not paleo) 7:30am
nut and fruit bar-10:00
paleo chili-11:00
chicken sliced deli-2:30
gluten free pasta and turkey meat sauce-6:15pm
water only but not enough at all! this is definately something i need to work on!!!!!
sleep: good/9:30-7:00 broken but better
stress: minimul today but def sore and tired
WOD yes! and you all know what it was!!!! :)

Amanda M...Day 2

Energy was a bit low today because of my horrible (or lack of...) eating yesterday. Slept 10:30-6:30, woke up once; that might have played a part in the energy level today as well.

Breakfast: eggs over easy, sweet Italian sausage
Snack: handful of carrots
Lunch: spinach salad with fresh chopped salsa, Gorgonzola cheese, and can of tuna...balsamic vinaigrette dressing...apple on the side
Snack: raw red bell pepper, plantain chips with guacamole
Dinner: boiled chicken with some garlic seasoning, steamed broccoli

WOD: My back was KILLING me today from the DLs yesterday...and the warmup 800m in the cold without stretching it made me feel paralyzed when I came back in. Rounds went well: subbed ring rows for pullups, 65# felt light for the squat cleans, wall balls are my least favorite ever, killed the rowing

Off to ice my back and then going to bed nice and early. Goodnight!

Day #2

7 hours of sleep today, good energy levels, & minimal stress

1 bowl of "cereal" (sunflower seeds, almonds, cashews, raisins) w/ almond milk

1 Chobani Greek yogurt (lemon)

2 cups of coffee w/ 1/2 cup almond milk

Lunch 1 small pork tenderloin
Kidney beans

1/2 cup squash & onion soup

1 bowl of "cereal" (see above)

Pork chop
Cabbage & broccoli

Water: 96 oz

I did an hour of kickboxing and kettle bell workouts today.

Monday, January 23, 2012

First Day of The Rest of My Life!

DAY 1!!! Dr. Jaime wants me doing strict paleo for now...
 Food Today:
7:30am- 1 oz salmon, 1 C cooked cabbage, 1 tsp olive oil, 1/4 grapefruit
10:30am- HUNGRY- 3/4 C egg beaters, mushroom, green pepper, 1 tsp fish oil
1:30pm- hungry- 3 oz chicken breast, a LOT of mixed veggies: broccoli, squash, cauliflower, a few carrots, 1 tsp fish oil
3pm- 1 oz roast beef, 1C cooked cabbage, 1 tsp olive oil
5pm- 1 oz turkey breast, 1 C cooked cabbage, 1 tsp olive oil
5:30pm WOD- kept deadlift light because of my back, failed my previous PR on chest- I was NOT happy
8:45pm- 2 oz chicken breast, cooked asparagus, picked on some steamed calamari, a bit of chicken, a bite of salmon.  24 raw almonds

So this is my problem behavior- PICKING ON FOOD.  I will weigh and measure all day and then come night time I just pick here and there and I have no idea how much I ate.  I know that I did not eat enough today, but I need really need to work on that behavior, it sabotages my efforts.

Did not sleep well last night, I have had a headache for 3 days, but I am starting to feel better.
Goals for this year: 1. I am 40 pounds lighter- 10 pounds every quarter
2. I can do at least one legitimate hand Stand Push Up- practice hand stand holds 3 times a week, practice HSPU off of box twice a week
3. I sleep at least 7 hours a night- manage my time better so I can get to bed by 9:30pm

I put my menu together for tomorrow and prepared all my meals tonight, and it is now 10:30pm and I am NOT sleeping....

Day #1!

1 Paleo raisin muffin
1 chicken sausage
2 pieces turkey bacon
1 cup coffee w/ almond milk
1 cup cherry tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, olives w/ vinegar
3 eggs
1 chicken sausage
2 pieces turkey bacon
1 apple pie Larabar
1 cup granola with almond milk
Shrimp salad with beans, almonds, tomatoes, fresh salsa w/ vinegar & lemon juice
Water: 96 oz

COMMENTS: I should have added much more variety in my diet today, but I was running late and didn't pack anything decent to eat (hence the repetiton of breakfast food throughout the day). While at work, I resorted to eating granola that has been in my desk drawer since before the Paleo challenge. Yuck lol

NOTE TO SELF: No more cheese!

DL: 225 lbs
BP: 105 lbs
KB: 20 kg (heaviest kb I've ever used!)

COMMENTS: No PRs today! I was pretty disappointed about staying the same. My lifts probably didn't improve because I ate non-Paleo food today haha More strength next time!

Here we go!

It was so nice getting together with everyone! I am so excited for this year and even more excited that we will all be doing it together!

It's all about being honest, so here I go. This weekend was nuts...I ate like crap, drank like a sailor and I paid for it pretty harshly today. My stomach was not agreeing with me so as far as food goes, the only things I was able to choke down were some eggs, protein shake and a salad. Not a great first day! I'm feeling great about tomorrow though...

Workout...PR'd my DL and bench but not as much as I would have liked! (I'll be working on my negative thoughts through this process as well) 235lbs and 118lbs. Used the 40# kettle bell, just wasn't feeling strong enough for the 55#

Tomorrow is a new day :-)

Here is my personal blog if any of you would like to follow me there as well. www.ptmaurer.blogspot.com

Day One..........

Well day one is in the books! I had a very busy day at work, but I planned out my snacks and meals. The key for me is going to be planning out meals in advance. Great meeting tonight! Glad to meet everyone that is going on this journey.

Breakfast: Whey protein Shake on drive into the office and Decaf Coffee with Coconut Milk
mid morning snack: Carrotts, Celery
Lunch: Spinich Salad with cucumber, grape tomatos, 1/2 avacado,and grilled chicken.
mid afternoon snake: Raw Almonds
Dinner: Tuna and some sauted veggies(coconut oil).

drank water all throughout the day I will keep better track of this going forward.

Tomorrow it's my birthday! 34, but we all know its the new 24!

january 23rd!!! day one!

hi! a look at today!
1. 1 an 1/2 scrambled eggs and 3 links of turkey sausage- 7:30am
2. fruit and nut bar- 10:00am
3. deli chicken slices/ grapes-11:00
4. Paleo chili with turkey meat- 2:30
5. 4oz chicken and mixed veggies-5:30
6. paleo chili- 8:45
drinks: tea (1) black, water ( not enough)
sleep: 11:30-7:00 broken
WOD: yes- pr'd in both dl and bench!! ohh yayy! very excited about that! went up 20# in dl and 10# in bench!!!
Comments: Tough geting up today! broken sleep! Excited about todays WOD and assessment meeting tonight. Anxious about some other things. Busy day today.

Excited about this year long group!! Success to all!!!

Off to the races...

So here we are a group that barely knows anything about each other but with one major thing in common...CrossFit!  I'm inspired by my team.  I can't wait to see what this year has in store for all of us.  It's going to be amazing!  So I'll start with how I feel...pretty crappy.  I could feel something coming on over the weekend and when I finally woke from my slumber this morning I had neon green goop coming out of my face.  I noticed I was pretty tired and lethargic all weekend but I'll be good to go in a few days.  I also have some other nagging injuries that like to pop up now and then but hopefully I'll get them to hibernate in the coming days.  My WOD today was pretty straight forward: 40 minutes on the aerodyn (486 cals) for my cardio session.  I was going to do a PM session but my right heal is a little tender so I'm going to give it another day.  My food intake was good but I only ate about half of what I would normally eat.  Breakfest: 3 extra large organic eggs/2 yolks and some traders joe's ends/pieces bacon.  1 tall glass of water, 1 black coffee.  Lunch: Organic baby spinach salad with sliced yellow pepper and mini grape tomatoes with cilantro-lime shrimp...off the chain.  Snack:  Had about 5 buffalo chicken tender nuggets w/ 1 tbsp of blue cheese.  Snack 2:  1/2 yellow bell pepper and 1 serving of raw almonds.  Dinner I'm going to eat a Turkey Burger Patty w/ 1 serving of organic broccoli.  Normally I eat double this amount of food per day but again with this stupid sickness my appetite isn't what it should be.  That's it for tonight.  Fight the good fight my friends!


Day 1 in the books

6:30 - Wake up
7 hours of sleep felt rested.
7:30-8:00 - Breakfast

  • 2 Hard Boiled Eggs
  • 1/4 cup Strawberries
  • 1/4 cup Almonds

11:30 - Lunch
  • Grilled Chicken
  • Broccoli (steamed)
  • 1/8 cup Almonds
3:00 - Snack
  • 1/4 cup Strawberries
  • 1/8 cup Almonds
3:30 - WOD
    A. DL - take up to max effort.
      Pulled 350# for a 15# PR
    B. Bench Press - take up to max effort.
      225# tying my PR
    C. KB ladder, 1-10-1 w/ corresponding breathes. @ 70/55
      8:38 with 70# all swings at eye level or above
4:45 - Post-WOD Protein shake
6:30 - Dinner
  • Grilled Chicken
  • Kale, Romain, Spinach Salad
  • Salmon
  • Tomatoes
  • Guacamole

Overall I felt good today. There were times when I felt like my energy was low, specifically around midmorning about 9-10 and also around 2:30, the end of the school day. I think that this low energy level could be attributed to 7 hours of sleep last night. I will aim to get more tonight. Food went well, and I am looking forward to eating Paleo again and seeing the changes in my body.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Up and running

We're up and running, I added a links section to the right column and added Crossfit Milford, and Crossfit. Does anyone have any other ideas for links to put there. Also, I was thinking that our first posts, the like intro ones, I would take and turn into Pages across the top, We could have our start pictures, goals, etc in those pages, which would stay static. Unfortunately, only I can create pages. Are there any other features I should add? Comment on this post to let me know and I'll see what I can do.