Thursday, May 10, 2012

I'm going to live!

Well friends that results are in.  My cholesterol and LDL have dropped significantly in the last 90days .  It's almost unbelievable!  But it is true.  It's been a long 90 days but with these results it was well worth it.  My total cholesterol went from 325 down to 205.  LDL from 262 down to 122...outrageously awesome!  It certainly was not easy by any means or stretch of the imagination but I vowed I would do this and its happening.  I'm not totally out of the woods yet but I'm pretty damn close.  I am SUPER pumped.  Being in the care of Dr. Jaime and Jason has been a god send.  I am one lucky SOB!!!

Ok so food today was on point again.  I'm not typing it all out cause you guys know how I roll.  If I cheat I'll post it and I'm not afraid of the consequences.

WOD:  Some handstand work and a few muscle ups but nothing crazy or intense cause then I had to do the tester below.

Testing Day 2:
250 meter row
15 kb swings, 70#
25 burpees
15 kb swings, 70#
250 meter row
rest 12 minutes x 3
(push hard… 100% effort on all rounds… goal is sub 4 minutes on round 1)
Rd 1: 4:22 (crushed after this one, didn’t think I had 2 more rounds of this in me)
Rd 2: 6:09
Rd 3: 6:04
Kind of disappointed with my time on Rd 1. I pulled a 4:03 a few months ago when this was in the Comp WODs. When I saw this WOD on the schedule I knew it would eat my lunch. Lactic WODs are not in my wheel house but the only way to get better at them is to do them. Glad this specific day is behind me.  I definitely made it to my dark place today but I don't like hanging around there any longer then I have too!


  1. So happy to hear about your blood work. That is so awesome.....keep it going.

  2. I know Dr Jaime was excited- LOVE HER. So glad we all decided to do this- I am learning so much about myself! It was awesome to see you do that WOD today even though it was hard to watch!

  3. You are awesome Nitro! Your progress and dedication is inspiring to all of us!

  4. Yeah! So happy for you! You're an inspiration! Sticking with your diet for90 days that produced amazing results. I know you're proud.
