Wednesday, May 2, 2012

5.2.12 - Morgan

I started eating KIND granola a few days ago. It has amaranth, quinoa, oats, millet, and buckwheat in it. I'm waiting for Dr. Jaime to let me know if it's okay that I added it into my nutritional plan (probably not lol). I was told to eat some carbs, since I'm A+ blood type, but I may be pushing it. I asked about Ezekiel bread too because I miss sandwiches, and almond flour bread is becoming too costly and time-consuming to make from scratch every week. I guess I'll find out soon if these two items need to be eliminated from my diet.


Just received an email response from Dr. Jaime! I can eat granola and Ezekiel bread. I am psyched :) I don't feel so deprived anymore.

1/2 cup granola with almond milk
1/2 piece of tilapia & snap peas
1/4 cup almonds
1 piece of pork
Spinach salad with tilapia, cucs, toms, & avocado
1/2 cup granola
Protein shake with spinach, berries, & coconut water

Holy crap... that was tough!

8 min round
5 kipping pull-ups w/ blue band (a first for me during a workout!)
10 sec L-sit hold (more like knees-to-elbow hold)
10 push-ups (girly ones)
10 sit-ups
100 m sprint (one thing I'm good at!)

8 min round
5 ring rows
20 DUs (single-single-doubles)
20 lunge steps
20 sec dip hold thing

8 min round
1 min burpees - 12, 10, 10, 12
1 min box jumps (20") - 10, 10, 11, 17


  1. I miss sandwiches too...which is probably why I always eat them on weekends lol I need to go back to that site you posted with all of those bread recipes and knock a few out

  2. I don't know if you have access to almond flour at the bakery on the weekends, but I was buying it in bulk for a while... a 5 lb bag for around $30 seemed like a pretty fair price.

  3. That seems like a fantastic deal. I really need to get back into cooking and baking more to hold off my weekend binges. Thanks Morgan!!

  4. Thats great news!anytime you dont have to eliminate its a win!

  5. How about making your own almond four from raw almonds? Just a thought, it HAS to be cheaper. GREAT TO SEE YOU BLOGGING :-)
