Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Amanda M...Day 99

Hell.fucking.yes....the blog is alive and I am loving it! Let's keep it up! So great to read everyone's posts. Yes, I have read and will read every single one...since day 1 until day 365 (don't worry, I'm keeping count! haha)

Sleep: Went to bed at 12:30...oops. Up at 5:20...definitely felt horrible today because of it

Food: Strict paleo...although I did snack on about 5 dark choco covered almonds while my chicken was cooking

WOD: Ugh, this was worse than I thought it would be. I never made it to the DUs which is what I expected. I go HARD on the rows, so by the time I hit that barbell I was toast. Best row: 454m. Worst: 386m YIKES! I also did 55# for the snatches...that was rough.

I got about 4 compliments on how I look today (weight loss wise)...which is weird considering I haven't been 100% on the food for the past few weeks. The weekends have been UGLY. So, it was really good to hear and it was great motivation to get back on strict eating.

Until tomorrow!


  1. I need accountability on the weekends too. Been drinking and eating out too much on friday and saturday nights.

  2. Yeah once I wake up on Saturday, my body goes into auto pilot and I go a bit crazy. I don't remember how I did so well in the beginning, but I need to figure out what it was lol and asap

  3. Don't blow the entire weekend. Pick a meal or two and then following it with several strict.

  4. I know, I used to be so much better! I think baking/cooking more will definitely help. It's my sweet tooth that really gets me

  5. Holy Shit you KILLED this WOD un believable...

  6. Weekends kill me too either with cheats because of being out or not having anymore food in the house or not eating except once a day. I'm getting better at planing out the week's meals but I stop at Friday!
