Sunday, March 11, 2012

Maria Week 7 DONE

Bed at 1am (new time) up at 7:00am

7:35am-2 slices of nitrate free bacon, 1 egg (from a friend's chicken!), 1 oz avocado

8:30am- taught a step class- took it easy - light cardio for me.  Double under practice, hand stand holds.

okay, so I just wrote this long post and somehow it didn't save so really quick the rest of my food: tilapia, home made soup
paleo stuffed pepper, cabbage, onions, raisins
dark meat chicken, turnips, brussels sprouts.

I ate all of my meals standing up today and didn't really measure my meals. I picked a lot today too, which I really think has become a bad habit.  It's not emotional eating, I really think it is this behavior that has become ingrained.  Even though it is paleo food, the behavior is what is bothering me.  So I am officially making it one of my goals this year- eliminate eating compulsively!  When I eat like that it is like I have no boundaries around my food, there is no beginning and ending of a meal.

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