Thursday, March 8, 2012

Amanda M...Day 46

Sleep: Solid sleep from 10-630. I don't remember falling asleep nor do I think I moved an inch the entire night

Breakfast- eggs and sausage
Snack- black berries, blueberries and strawberries...about a cup altogether
Lunch- left over WF chicken and asparagus
Snack- plantain chips and guac
Dinner- bacon and sweet potato turkey burger over fresh spinach, sprinkling of gorganzola cheese

WOD: FGB...234 reps.
I had never done this workout before and after doing it I just have one question....why the hell were so many people upset that they were missing this today?! That was horrible lol

Wall balls- the black line (are girls only supposed to go to the red?)
SDHP- 55#
Box jumps- white box
Push Press- 55#
Row- 10 cal each

Threw in an 800m run afterwards, it was just too nice out not to!


  1. Nice job on FGB it was my first time also. Definetly a tough one, but one that I have a love hate relationship for.

  2. Great job with your first time on FGB. I think people were upset because it is a great bench mark workout that although it is very tough is a lot of fun, at least in my opinion.
