Tuesday, March 6, 2012

3/6.....James P

Sleep: 10:30 - 5:45am
Stress: little anxious today

pre wod: P. Shake
6:30am WOD
8:30am paleo muffin, decaf cofee, adrenal tincture, relax tone homeopathic rem
10:15am 5 Turkey meatballs, 1/2 avacado multi vit, fish oil
12:30pm mixed greens, yellow bell pepper, grilled chicken. small chicken chili about half hour later
3:00pm 1 serving raw almonds
5:00pm 2 girl scout cookies when I walked in the door after work dont know why, but they wre on the counter really surprised I didn't eat the entire box
6:30pm Ground turkey, zuchini
7:00pm small piece of dark chocolate

Water consumption about 80 oz

Felt good today had a sweet tooth in the afternoon.


  1. Wow, 2 cookies, I can't do that! I would have eaten the box...

  2. .....thats all that was left Maria!
