Monday, April 30, 2012

4/30...James P

Hello Everyone!  Gail and I want to thank you again for your wonderful gifts tonight. It was a nice surprise and very much appreciated.

It was great to see everyone at the meeting. Some seem really frustrated, while others are doing well. The key is to keep the eye on the prize. If you need help or have questions reach out to the support staff that we have. I know Jay has been busy preparing for regional, but trust me he is hear to listen and help. I am lucky enough to take his class 3  times a week and whenever I have a question he is their to answer it. All the coaches are here to help so reach out to them.

I know some seem skeptical about blogging all the time, but I think it is important for everyone to keep it up. It is a great way for you to track what you have been eating. Like Dan said it's an easy way for a coach or mentor to hop in and look at your diet with ease. The blog also offers another way for you to vent out your frustrations. If you don't want to track your die ton here at least vent whats holding you back from achieving your goals. If you miss a day its not the end of the world, but everyone try to stick to it. It will help everyone in the long run.
Thanks again for everything tonight!

Sleep:  good 10-5:45
Stress: busy busy busy describes it best
pre wod: piece of chicken and vitacoco
6:30am wod
post wod:  Shake with ultra greens, adrenal tincture
10am   serving of carrots with some peanut butter
12:00pm    Spinach salad, bell peppers, and tomato's.  1 chicken sausage
3:00pm   mini cucumber and carrots
6:00pm    homemade turkey burger, asparagus, tomato's, green pepper
8:00pm     paleo chocolate cake compliments of the YLA!
9:30pm     1/2 piece of broiled chicken breast

10:30pm.......lights out!

Everyone keep it positive!!!!! and nitro please never tell us about your 8lbs of burger, 4 fish taco, and Chinese delivery at 1am again!