Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Maria Sugar DT day 12

Hi Amanda, hope you are doing okay- I was so bummed to miss the mtg Monday night, I really needed to be there.  WOD today:
A.  OHS, 8.6.4, rest 2 minutes: 65.75.85
B.  Hang Squat Clean, 3.3.3, rest 90 seconds:85.100.105
1K row
25 double unders
750m row
50 double unders
500m row
75 double unders
250m row
100 double unders


Happy with my weights in the OHS and hang squat clean. Anything from the hang position is hard for me, I think because of my back but I felt strong today.

I have been going a little too crazy with the olive oil mayo the past couple of days, I mean like on the verge of binging, so I need to NOT have that right now.  I can tell I have been eating too much fat and not enough carbs- I just feel out of balance and FAT.  No sugar though, so that's good.  My co worker was chewing a piece of gum yesterday and  I really wanted a piece but I resisted! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maria! We definitely missed you. Got your facebook message...I will email you. Too much to text out! :-)
