Thursday, August 2, 2012

Amanda M...Day 191

Slept solid. Woke up early to go for a run. Did almost 3 miles, hoping to continue to add more and more miles. I suck at running so its time to shut up and just get better at it

Food: clean all day despite dark chocolate covered almonds. They help me stay alive at work lol

10-1 ladder of back squats and DL
6 sets of 15 sec of rope slams

Once again, looked easy on paper but it kicked my ass. Maybe I'm not eating enough or maybe the weather is just really rough. All I know is that my legs are shot and I could go to bed right now at 830 and sleep straight through til 630. UGH!!

Been another rough week, esteem wise. But I will be back to my old self shortly. Im starting to find my spark again..I missed it

1 comment:

  1. the weather had been brutal... hearing a lot of people being effected!! esteem wise... you look great and are doing great... enough said!
