Woke up and did my 3 miles. It's cold down in my basement in the morning lol not fun. But, it's better than going out and driving somewhere.
Speaking of driving...my car wouldnt start yesterday morning. Luckily my roommate gave me a jump in the morning so I could get to work and my co-worker helped me out after work. Once I got home, I knew I wouldnt make it to crossfit cause no one was home. Had the weather been a bit more tolerable, I could have walked/ran there but it was just way too cold. I did my morning workout so missing the 205 calorie Tour de CFM workout wasn't too big of a deal.
Today is the last day! Bittersweet...I'll have a nice sum up post tonight. Maybe some of my fellow YLAers will make an appearance?? We'll see...
I will continue to blog on my personal blog: www.ptmaurer.blogspot.com
Have you gone back and read any of your old posts? Do you think you learned anything from this? Do you win a prize for most posts?!?!