Thursday, December 6, 2012

Amanda M...Day 315

Yesterday was another successful day of clean eating. The cravings are starting to come at me though...on a scale of 1-10 it was probably at about a 4 last night. My roommate has christmas cookies that he puts out and naturally, living with 3 other people, there is tons of crap food in the fridge. But I managed...2 days down!

Workout was probably one of the worst ones in a while. 20 thrusters at a time? TORTURE! By the 10 min mark, my legs were complete jello. I honestly couldnt sleep because that's how sore I was...even the pressure of sleeping on my stomach was too much. Not a fun feeling and I hope it goes away soon as I am spending the night in NYC tomorrow...lots of walking!

Speaking of NYC...I'm already sad. Everytime I go in the city I get a vendor hot dog and pretzel. Not tomorrow! But you know what? It will be there when I'm where I want to be so I can wait. I want this so bad!

I need new workout clothes. I think a trip to the goodwill to get some crappy mens tshirts I can cut the sleeves off of are in order. Starting to really hate sleeves but womens tank tops are always too tight or short or low cut.......and expensive as hell. $25 for one tank top? Go f*ck yourself!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha!! "Go F*ck yourself"
    You are out of control!! I love it!
    You're totally right the prices for a Tshirt is insane and the womens cuts are stupid to say the least.
    Anyway, great job on the clean eating. But take it day by day. Don't mess up your mood by thinking to far ahead. Day by day.
