Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 160ish

Checking in...hope everyone is well.  I've seen you all occasionally and you guys are still doing great.  It's the summer, there's parties, gatherings all the good stuff.  Just try to satisfy your cheats quick and get back on track.  If I know I'm cheating I eat ACAP (as clean as possible haha) up to that cheat and then I just really destroy and indulge.  Then immediately get back on the wagon.  You all know exactly what I'm talking about!!!  I really enjoy the comraderie we share.  Though I don't blog enough or see any of you on the regs this assessment is still really super important and awesome and means a hella lot to me!  Keep crushing and the results at the end will be WELL worth all the hardwork and blood/sweat/no tears.

I am doing pretty good.  Training is just beyond awesome.  The programming Jason has me doing is amazing to say the least.  These WODs often kick the shit out of me and beat me down but I just love it.  Super sore after today's WOD: (and this is a de-loading week)

Warm up:
One Arm DB snatch
alternating arms
6 x 25#
6 x 55#
4 x 70# @ 100#
3 kb swings 100#
5 burpee squat box jumps 24" box
50m sprint @ 100% (flat out as fast as you can sprint)
x 6 rest 3 minutes
Hang power clean practice
5/7/9 @ 95# practice catch and high elbows

My ass, hammys, and heals are all killing me right now so I know I crushed that shit today.  But I actually didn't eat enough.  Ate clean except 4 oreos.  After this weekend I will completely dial in the diet for as long as I can keep it together mentally.

Lastly,  I'm having a huge mega rager at my house on Saturday starting at 2PM in case some of you didn't receive the invite.  PLEASE COME!!!  I promise you all it will be the party of the year...PROMISE!!!

Sleepy Time : )


  1. Keep it rolling! Your programming looks sick!

  2. NEIL! I have missed your posts! Always entertaining. I want to come to the rager, but have other commitments (bummer) Always inspirational to see your WODS!

  3. 2pm?! Oh boy...starting that early always makes for an eventful day
